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Best Themedia Quotes Ever

  1. уσυαяєѕσνєяувєαυтιfυℓχχ* уσυαяєѕσνєяувєαυтιfυℓχχ*
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2013 2:17pm UTC
    Society Killed The Teenager
    Once upon a time we were beautiful and alive
    Happy and Smiling
    We were innocent and confused
    About what life was
    We didn’t understand what death meant
    We didn’t understand much of anything
    But, then came our teenage years
    Creeping up on us and stealing our innocence
    Breaking us down and messing up everything
    No longer could we be ourselves without being tormented and judged
    We were bullied and harassed
    Because we were different
    The Media
    Made us this way
    They corrupted our innocent little minds
    We started caring about things we never cared about as young children
    But, once we grew up and got older
    We weren’t so innocent anymore
    We started to understand everything
    We were stereotyped and labeled
    Forever marked to be a target for somebody to torment
    We tried to fit in and be “popular”
    We acted out to be known
    We worried about what we looked like
    We worried about what clothes we wore
    We worried about everything we did
    Because we knew there was always somebody judging us
    We started crying more and more
    We felt alone
    We were lost and confused
    We wondered why we had to grow up
    We reminisced about our younger years
    We missed being so carefree
    But, as we got older we learned to fake it all
    We put on these happy masks
    To fool everyone
    We learned to keep our emotions locked away
    We learned to lie when somebody asked if we were Okay
    We learned how to come off as brave when in reality we were scared
    For the more broken ones we learned to be the happiest people ever
    We learned to smile all the time and be outgoing
    We learned not to let anyone in because they wouldn’t understand
    We learned how to act like judgments didn’t hurt us
    We learned to act like we were made of bulletproof glass when really we were already cracked
    For the more well known ones
    We learned to be rude and hurtful to people that were different
    We learned to think we were better than everybody else
    We learned to gossip and spread nasty, hateful things
    We learned to use slurs on a regular basis
    We learned to bully the ones that were below us in social status
    For the ones more concerned about grades
    We learned to keep our minds all about grades and work
    We learned to put grades before everything else
    We learned to give up pretty much everything that wouldn’t help us have a successful future
    We learned to roll our eyes at those less intelligent and mature than us
    We all learned how to be robots that live to please everybody around us except for ourselves
    We started caring more about what people thought about us then what we wanted
    We started being terrified about being ourselves
    We started losing friends because they weren’t like us anymore
    We started losing ourselves because we didn’t want people seeing how alike we all actually are
    We may be different now but we only differ on the outside
    Inside we are all alike in one way or another
    We’re scared of life and the world around us
    We’re afraid of people finding out we aren’t as “different” as we like to believe
    We’re little kids inside trying to survive in a messed up world
    We’re teenagers and society has killed us


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