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Best Tearpuller Quotes This Month

  1. twitterbitch456 twitterbitch456
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 9:48pm UTC
    Bad Girl Good Guy
    Chapter 1
    My heart had sank just like the Titanic that day. He said he felt like we weren't going anywhere phisichally or emotionally and he couldn't stand it anymore. I slapped him harder then I had ever slapped anyone. I was furious I threw stuff and cried. Begged him to take me back. But in the end he had left me bawling hysterically on my front porch walking away without ever looking back. But that was 2 years ago. I'm in tenth grade now and things have changed. I'm the Varsity cheer captain and I maintain a C average. Not that my grades matter in this story. My bestfriend is Chelsea, an all-american beauty. People call us the "Twenty" because we are both what guys call tens. Today at lunch Chelse (chelsea shortened) and I were walking around the courtyard in our tiny cheer skirts and belly tops showing off both of our peirced belly buttons when the sound of cat-calls coming from 5 of the Varsity football players ring through our ears. Me and Chelsea both turn around to see Jonathan, my still cute as ever ex, Ryan, the brown hair blue eyed beauty (who i have my eyes on) , Jeremiah, Chelsea's insanely hot boyfriend, Matt, a total player who i usually end up hooking up with at parties, and last but most definetly not least, Khristian. He was a god. Blond hair usually spiked into a short mohawk, beautiful sea green eyes and rock solid body. Yuuum! They all sauntered up to us in one line. Khristian in the middle, Ryan and Matt on his sides and Jeremiah and Jonathan on the ends. "Hey babe" Jeremiah calls to Chelsea. You can just see the sparkle in Chelseas tiffany blue eyes when she looks at Jeremiah. They always look so happy together. "Jeremiah!!", Chelsea shouts. She jumps and locks her legs around her waist and they instantly lock lips. He twirls her around and she shrieks with laughter. They've been together since 9th grade and they've been inseperable ever since. Matt walks up to me and asks if i'm going to Ryan's party tonight. I assume he's asking if I want to get with him tonight so I say yes and he winks at me and walks off, but not before he hugs me and playfully slaps my butt. Chelse and Jeremiah are sitting on the benches in the middle of the courtyard and laughing and I can see the flush of her cheeks as Jeremiah whispers into her ear. She cracks up grabs his face and locks lips once again. I turn back again and look at Khristian. I catch him staring at Chelsea and Jeremiah and when he's not looking I get lost in his eyes. It doesn't seem long but soon Matt Khristian and Jonathan are all saying my name with a look of concern in they're eyes. "Nikki!" "Nikki" ''NIKKI" on and on until finally i snap back into focus. "Jesus! Stare much?" Matt calls jokingly. I punch his arm and laugh! "I was not!!", I say. "Whatever you say your Royal Highness", Matt says with a bow. All three of them crack up laughing and I stand there with one hip jutted out, trying not to laugh with them. When they have finally gotten up from the ground and they all catch there breath I tell them I'll see them at the party. I walk up to Chelsea and Jeremiah and apologize to him for snatching her away but we had to go to cheer practice and get ready for the big party at Matts house later that night.
    *sorry this was a really long chapter, the next one will be reaaaly good! *do you guys like it? * if you have any characters you want me to put in comment themm and they will definetly be in the story


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