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Best Supbroyoureback Quotes Ever

  1. XxTheStoryTellerxX XxTheStoryTellerxX
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2014 10:40pm UTC
    Eyes Open
    The snow storm got worse and worse as we trudged to the orphanage. The wind was racing directing in our direction and I could barely open my eyes to see through the snow. I felt Jacob trembling in my arms and his small face was cold against my neck. I, too, was shaking, but not from the cold. I had a sinking feeling in my chest, like the world was going to crash down on me like it did long ago. I think back of what happened and I feel like it wasn't my fault that it happened. I was just caught into the mess. But no one cared to listen to my cries and they didnt believe me so they sent me away. I hate thinking of the past sometimes. It brings back the worst of my memories and feelings. Almost as if my mind is replaying what had happened that night just to remind me or even foreshadow what may happen to me in the future. God, I can't deal with my emotions sometimes.
    "Hey!" I snap out of my head to Nat's voice struggling through the wind, "It's too cold to keep going like this. We need to find a place to rest." I look back and see Nat trying to sheild her face from the icy wind and trying to stay on her feet as she sank into the snow with every step.
    We reach a corner of the street and I look up and squint to see where we are. I wish I had my glasses but there was no time for sulking over stupid mistakes like that. Farllon Street, I read. I knew this place quite well and in fact, I grew up here. "I know where we can stay for a bit. Follow me."
    We walk up to an old shotty apartment building that caught fire by the black markings near the windows and door. It was rotting down and the windows were so old they still had bars, unlike the new, fixed up apartment building that ran alongside it. I walk up the concrete steps and open up the mailbox, which was overflowing with letters and newpapers. I cleaned it out and felt around for the key at the bottom, then openned the door.
    "What is this place?"
    "Oh just an old shelter for yours truely. Havent been here in awhile though. Come in."
    As soon as we walked in we were blasted with a moldy stench that made Nat tear up a bit. I was kind of use to it but it didn't make me feel any better about having people in here. "Sorry, about the smell."
    "It looks like this place has been abandoned for years. But it's better than staying out in the cold." she replied walking into the living room. A worn out tan couch completed with rips and tears plus dust sat against the grey wall that chipped right across from an old dinosaur television covered with dust. There was an old smelly carpet in the middle of the room under a rotten, broken coffee table. There was dirt all over the wood floors and it was dark. The lights didnt work and neither did the water. I looked to the left and there was the kitchen dirty just like everywhere else accompanied by a nasty sink and a rusty old oven. The sink was filled to the rim with rotten food and dirty dishes and the table still had a slice of pizza on a paper plate. The slice was burnt and moldy and the plate was droopy and kind of folded down the middle. The chair was not pushed in unlike the others.
    I feel my heart twist and I shake my head and walk back into the living room where Nat was standing looking around yet trying to not tamper with any contaminated substances. "This place is kind of gross. How long since you've thought about spring cleaning?"
    "Never really thought about coming back here." I said as I walked down an old dark hall into the bathroom. I looked at the sink that still had old crusty toothpasted oozing down the molding white banks. The seat on the toilet was down and on top of the seat was an old snapback hat. I opened up the cabnet and there was an emptied out bottle of advil and alieve, a small tub of hair gel that was half emtpy, a rusty razor and a comb. I closed the cabnet and saw myself in the mirror. Its weird how much I have changed since that night, Doug. How did it come to this? I looked into my eyes and moved to my face. I attempted a smile. Only half my face curled up and the other half twitched and fought itself to be the same. My nose was crooked and my left eyebrow was slightly parted at the end. My eyes were permanenty squinted from never wearing my glasses that I've needed yet lost so long ago. I wondered if they were in my old room, but I stopped myself from opennig that door.
    I walk down up to a door and opened it. I took out a bucket filled with cleaning supplies and walked into the living room. Nat was seated next to Jacob who was lying down ontop of her jacket on the couch, sleeping, tears rolling down his pain-sticken face. She looked up at me, her hair was frizzy and wavy from the snow and her face was rosey all over from the biting wind. Her stormy eyes looked down at the bucket and back up to me, "Need some help?"
    "You don't need to, bra. Like i said, I've never said your name."
    She smiled and rolled her eyes, "Well, buttmuncher, you look like you need some help cleaning up a bit."
    She stood up and took the mop in her hand and poked me with it and laughed. I smiled, "Why are you so weird?"
    "You're the one to talk, weirdo. Now lets get started."
    I like this story better.


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