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Best Stopthepain Quotes Today

  1. Plusle_N_Minun Plusle_N_Minun
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2013 9:35pm UTC
    --------------------Stop The Hate/ Stop The Pain--------------------
    I was visiting my friend who's in the hospital when I see this little girl in her room all by herself.
    I was kinda just standing there wondering why a sweet little girl was in the hospital.
    I was about to leave when she saw me and smiled.
    I smiled back, but it soon dropped when I saw her face.
    It was covered in bruises and cuts.
    She turned to me and said:
    "My Daddy turned out to be the evil monster living under my bed"
    Then she went back to playing with her horses.

  2. Plusle_N_Minun Plusle_N_Minun
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2013 6:50pm UTC
    I'm the type of person who always watched things happen.
    I was always in the back of the class who saw things no one else sees.
    I could tell who liked each other or not just by listening.
    But I was not a bystander.
    And you shouldn't be too.
    The little things you do impact everyone.
    Whether it's just leaving a kind note that'll make someone smile,
    Or just picking up someone's pencil even when you're not asked to.
    You're not just the kid in the back.
    You're worth more than that.
    - L.P

  3. Plusle_N_Minun Plusle_N_Minun
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2013 5:49pm UTC
    Her: I feel so lonely right now.
    Me: I'll be lonely too but with you.
    Me: So technically you're not lonely.
    Her: But you have friends.
    Me: Well, right now I want to be lonely with you.
    Me: So you won't feel lonely.

  4. Plusle_N_Minun Plusle_N_Minun
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2013 11:25pm UTC
    I'm not crazy.
    How do you know if someone's crazy?
    Maybe they seem normal because I'm crazy too.
    What is normal though?
    Nobody is normal because everyone is different.
    But how come our different is crazy?
    I'm crazy then.

  5. Plusle_N_Minun Plusle_N_Minun
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2013 10:30pm UTC
    “A lot of people say we shouldn’t criticize Barbie because she is a toy.
    However, if there’s a small chance that it’s negatively affecting young
    girls, and if normal Barbie looks awesome, why not create normal Barbie?”
    - Nickolay Lamm
    Creator of "Real-Life Barbie Doll"
    Check out the "Real-Life Barbie Doll" :


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