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Best Stephi Quotes This Month

  1. Tardis_Ten Tardis_Ten
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2013 10:30pm UTC
    Talking to him <3
    Chapter one
    Ah Everyone was slowly on their way either home ot to a graduation party. Ally and I headed over to my house where we combined our partys together, mainly because we know the same people She was wearing a beautiful peach knee length drees and gold pumps to match. While i was waering a stunning knee length dress, white with a floral pattern and black sandals to match. Ally and I's brothers stayed back at my house durring the celebration to decroate. I was an and Eroupe theme, mostly France and Great Brittan. "Did you invite Matt?" Ally asked. "Yeah, when I handed the invites out i gave him his. He never said if he was comming or not though" I answered. She shook her head and we went down stairs to join the guest.
    About and hour had passed. Ally and i were about to serve the cake when Matt started to walk up my drive way. "I'll be right back" i wispered. Ally looked back and gave me a nod.
    . Matt and I met up in the middle of the drive way. “Here” he said handing me a gift back with the word congrats on it. “Thank you” I said. “Open it” he demanded “It’s not tim-“ he looked at me and I took the tissue paper out of the bag. Inside was a framed picture of us with a poem. The picture wasn’t just any old picture. I was the first picture we ever took together in eighth grade. I read the poem that had been engraved in the frame.
    “True friends are the ones who never leave your heart, even if they leave your life for a while. Even after years apart, you pick up with them right where you left off, and even if they die, they're never dead in your heart.”
    I welled up with tears. “Thank you” I said hugging him. “I wanted you to have that when you leave. So you’ll always remember im here for you.” He paused. “I have to go to my cousin’s birthday party now, text me or something when you land. I waved goodbye as he drove off.
    A few hours had passed and the party was over. Ally helped me clean up then went home to finish packing. “I’ll see you tomorrow” she said giving me a hug. “My house 8 am, you can’t be late!” she rolled her eyes and left. I headed up stairs to pack the photo Matt gave me.
    “Tomorrow is a new start, a new chapter, tomorrow I meet my roommate.”
    Be honest, I got lazy after a while, it wouldnt transfer over right so this is what you get. tell me if you like it or not. but read the first chapetr!


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