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Best Slightlyedited Quotes This Week

  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 4:28pm UTC
    For the past few days Taksim (Turkey) has been calmer, more peaceful
    with only the protestors walking around and making shows. But this morning, one million police attacked the citizens in Taksim. Taksim is now the way it was 17 days ago: a war field. fire, tear bombs, guns and water cannons; everything.
    Taksim is literally like a hospital, too many injured people to count.
    Too much smoke. Too much blood. Too much pain. The ruling party's young supporters are given guns and sent into Taksim to kill the people that are against the ruling party (AKP).
    Most of the people in taksim are in highschool and college.
    They're young citizens that are asking for their rights, that are sick of the oppresive government. They do not want religious people to rule their country, they don't want trees to be cut so that they make a shopping center. They just do not want AKP.
    They never did anything to hurt anyone until the police came in.
    Of course they hurt the police--what were they suppose to do? Just died?
    The governer of Istanbul gave a speech on TV. He was banning people
    from going to taksim without saying it directly. He said things along the lines of "Whoever goes to that place is a terrorist" and "We will not take responsibility of your injury if you go to Taksim" and "Anyone supporting those terrorist will be in danger" (indirectly) etc.
    The Turkish government is trying to stop people from voicing
    any of their opinions. In the media, they are not showing anything. None of the major channels, none of the big newspapers are showing anything. All of them are supporting the ruling party.
    Turkey is in danger.


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