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Shhhnoname Quotes

  1. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 3:15am UTC
    My Immortal Life With Him
    Chapter Two
    This day, I woke up with a good feeling. A lot of good things happened. After Andrew and I had had our breakfast in our too-big pyjamas. Miss Buttercup came over to us, with new-looking, pretty clothes. I beamed at her and held her close. She had given me a new pretty grey skirt, with a white t-shirt and a grey blazer, and BRAND NEW white ballet flats. We didn't get new clothes often, only when the older kids grew out of them. I smiled at my reflection, and slowly pulled my brush through my now curly brown hair, which falls halfway down my back, they never seemed to cut it.
    I walked out, and waited for Andrew to finish getting ready. He walked out in a new pair of jeans, and a grey shirt, with new white sneakers, and a grey hoodie. I giggled. 'They always seem to make us match' He said, grinning. I smiled at him. 'Something big must be happeneing today. I don't remember getting brand new clothes,' I looked own the hall. 'Ready?' Andrew asked me, both of us had our curiosity burning for a peak. I grabbed his hand, as always, and we walked down the halld to where Miss Buttercup and Ms. Fran waited, I looked at them questioningly, as Miss Buttercup leant down, her pale red hair pulled up, wearing new clothes as well. 'uliet, Andrew. I am so proud to say that I had some hep in raising you two into the amazing people you will be one day,' oh no, this made it sound like she was kicking us out or something! 'Yesterday, the family that came in, the Smiths, were looking for a child.'
    I started to let my hopes get to the best of me, was this going where I thought it was? I looked at Andrew hopefully. 'Their son, Branden, I believe, watched you and Andrew playing outside for a while. He told his parents that he wants to have you guys as his siblings. Now he is 10, five years older than both of you. But the Smith's, his parents, can't have other children. So today, you both are going to be adopted by them. From today onwards, your names will be Juliet Grace Carina Smith and Andrew Drake Damon Smith. You will be moving to California with them. They chose your new clothes for you.' She smiled sweetly at the both of us, as the door knocked. 'Ah, that must be them!'
    As soon as her back was turned, I tackled Andrew, giggling. 'Someone finally wants us! We are getting adopted!' He couldn't do anything but grni. We quickly stood up, and looked at each other, playing the 'Innocent Twin' game. Where we act like sweet, little angels. That poor boy, had no idea his soon-to-be brother and sister were crazy. A woman, with long, dead-straight blonde hair, in very new-looking clothes, walked in with a man with dark brown, shortly cropped hair, in a suit, with his arms around her. Her husband, I assumed, and slowly trailing behind them, was a boy, a few years older than us, with short, black hair, in very new-looking clothes, and he peered around his mothers legs, grinning. I smiled back at him, sweetly.
    The lady took 3 steps forward, and smiled, picking me up. I couldn't help but giggle insanley. 'She's so gorgeous. ' She said, playing with my brown curls, that were ticklish, so I just kept laughing. She held me close to her, and I just clung to her, wanting to never have to let go. I was so tired, the hunger had over took me again last night. And I just fell asleep, right there. In my new mothers arm, happily content.

  2. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 11:28pm UTC
    My Immortal Life With Him
    The Beginning.
    I looked down at my stained, little yellow dress. I was three, listening to another lecture from the mean lady that was in charge of our orphanage. I didn't know what she was saying, but Andrew did, so I just sat there, wondering how Miss Buttercup would get out the stains this time. It was from the other day, and Andrew and I were making mud pies, and I got lots of mud all over my pretty, yellow dress. I sighed in frustration, and the lady looked at me angrily. 'Juliet, that is very rude.' She stated sourly. I felt my bottom lip quiver and my eyes well up with tears, Andy wrapped his arms around me and simply said to the lady. 'Little 'Liet doesn't understand you, Ms. Fran. She's behind the rest of us. Please, don't take it out on her, it's harder for her to learn.'
    I looked up at my brother, not understanding. Why was he standing up for me. I had ignored him all day. He just grinned at me, his green eyes having that mischevious glint in them .I looked down, smiling slightly. Andrew had become my whole world, being my only family. I absolutley adored him. Who wouldn'? He helped me so much through these times. He did everything for me, while he never asked for anything in return.
    She eventually let us go, and we ran as fast as we could back to te playground, hoping we could still play for a little while. For a few hours we just played around, on the swings, climbing trees, and playing hide and seek, and it made us content. Eventually it started to get dark out, and I got so jumpy that I begged Andrew with the fright in my eyes to get us to go home, I hated the dark, something about it just made me feel like I was losing myself, and it terrified me.
    We walked back slowly, on our chubby, little toddler legs. The sun had set, we were still a fair way from the orphanage. That's when I felt it wash over me. That feeling of hunger, but it wasn't quite the same. Everything I saw was coated in red. I looked at Andrew, desperate for help, but when I looked at him, all I could see and concentrate on was the sight of the blood pumping through his veins, I took a shaky step closer to him, him still looking forward, I felt something sharp and pointy poking through my gums. I winced. It felt like it was cutting through my gums.
    He turned towards me, just as a growl ripped through my throat. I was terrified. What's happening to me? I stalked closer to him, growls ripping through my tiny body, just watching his pulse quicken right there in his neck, so close, centre metres away, yet so far. I walked closer, slowly, hungrily.
    The last thing I remember of that day was the delicious taste of my twin brothers blood, and then a great block of blackness. That was the first time, I had tasted blood. But it certainly wasn't my last.
    Hey guys. Okay, so. I WILL NOT be writing 'One in a Thousand' for a while, nor 'One of a kind' So, I hope you guys liked :D

  3. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 11:25pm UTC
    What day is it?
    And in what month?
    This clock never seemed so alive
    I can't keep up and I can't back down
    I've been losing so much time

  4. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 2:27am UTC
    My Immortal Life With Him
    Hey, I'm Juliet, I'm a Vampire, and I will forever be 18. My mother, Roxanne, and my father, Alec, gave me and my twin brother, Andrew, up at birth. From there, we grew up in an orphanage until we were 5. When we were 5, we were adopted by Carissa and Jonathon Smith. They raised me, gave me a home, ad a few adoptive brothers and sisters. They all hated me, except for Brandon, he still is like a brother to me.
    I've had a pretty good life, since I met him. And I love him. And I will for as long as I am on this earth.
    But, it wasn't this easy the whole time. And this is to show you why, I prefer this over before.
    I will always prefer, My Immortal Life With Him

  5. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 2:20am UTC
    Okay Guys.
    Im sorry, but I will NOT be posting 'One in a thousand' on Witty.
    But I will be putting the link on this website, so you CAN still read it!
    But I have changed my mind about the next story! My next story on here will be
    'One of a kind.'
    Here is the description so far.
    Jocelyn Shelby Reynard grew up with her vampire parents, beating her and leaving her feeling horrible about herself, no worries about being labeled badly, being so high up in their world. So Jocelyn stayed strong, and tried to not let their blows effect her badly. Her electric green eyes never lost their spark, and her step never lost its bounce. The abuse eventually turned her soul dark though, and she started to enjoy the pain, and would go searching for more.
    As her teenage years descended, she became obsessed with the pain, and had no trouble getting it with her looks.

  6. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2013 8:56pm UTC
    Hey Guys!
    So, I am gonna write that new story 'One in a Thousand' on Wattpad, so I thought you guys might like the link to that account!
    I will be changing heaps on there soon, so yeah
    Heres the link, just copy and paste into the task bar thingy and go or just go on Watad and look up 'ScorpiusRose' In users.
    Comment for a reminder when I change the name!

  7. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2013 1:08am UTC
    I am writing a story for a very special someone on Wattpad.
    So, whoever wants to be in it, just comment below who, your name age and what you look like, and your personality
    Dallas's best friend- OPEN
    Dallas's fried 1- OPEN
    Dallas's friend TWO - OPEN
    Dallas's friend three- OPEN
    Dallas's ex- OPEN
    Harry's EX- OPEN
    Harry's Friend- OPEN
    Nialls GF- OPEN

  8. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2013 12:55am UTC
    How To Save A
    Chapter Two [Adrianna POV]
    I moaned out in pain. Some d**ck just pushed me into the wall, and cut my arm, I was bleeding like h*ll. I closed my eyes and let the pain consume me, I felt someone shake me hard.
    'Hello. Are you alive, or something?' I heard a worried male voice ask. I laughed to myself.
    'You just don't wanna get in trouble. Don't worry, I won't tell.' I said softly, my voice shaking.
    'Why is your arm covered in cuts? Wait, what's your name?' He sounded even more worried then before.
    'Why should I tell you? So you can go tell you're friends that I'm a wh*re who tried to screw you and then you pushed me away? Yeah right dude.' I said, opening my blue eyes, not realizing how close he was, I could feel his breath against my lips. Holy crap, that felt good.
    I stood up and staggered slightly at the sight of how much blood there was. God, it smelt horrible, I was going to puke
    'I will take you to the nurse's office if you tell me your name.' He said, bluntly.
    'Fine. Whatever. Adrianna Byron! Happy? Lets go!' He picked me up, bridal style, despite my protests and started walking. I groaned as another wave of pain washed over me, god, this would take forever to freaking heal!
    I closed my eyes, not realizing we were at the nurse's office, when I heard a worried lady ask.
    'Oh My Gosh! What happened to the poor thing?' I slowly opened my blue eyes, looking around curiously. The room was very white, and sterile. God, talk about OCD. God, worst day of my life.
    But, reliving that moment with his breath against my lips, just made me melt, for the first time ever.

  9. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2013 2:53am UTC
    LoveMyProfile.com <3 MySpace Graphics
    so many sparkles
    on my profile!!!!!

  10. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 11:40pm UTC
    Okay Guys!
    I think this time we can
    get to FIVE favs before I
    -Shhh, No Name ;)

  11. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 11:32pm UTC
    HowTo Save A Heart
    -Chapter One
    I drove to school, my twin sister, Liana, next to me. I parked the car and got out, seeing one f the girls in my room walking towards the school. She had dark red hair, and was tall. She was pretty I guess. I picked up my bag and locked the car, walking into the school. I saw the red haired girl again, god, will she just go away already? God. I know I was hot but I'm not THAT hot! I walked over to my mates, who were standing near my locker and smirked.
    'Hey Guys!' I said, smirking. Daniel looked at me and grinned.
    'Hey Chase! Whats up dude? Is Liana still single?' I hit him behind the head with my bag.
    ''OI! That's my F**king sister you're talking about mate! Back off!' I growled, getting the books I need out of my locker.
    'Please! You know just about every guy in school wants her!'' Daniel said, laughing.
    I growled and had to hold myself back from attacking that d*ckwad, how dare he bring that f**king up! I growled and stalked off to my first class, my head down, when all of a sudden I crashed with something, and it smashed into the brick all, I heard girly sobs ad walked over to apologize, when all of a sudden I dropped my bag.
    It was the same red head chick from earlier. Clutching her arm like she really hurt her wrist.
    But I couldn't look away from the cuts covering the wrist.

  12. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 11:12pm UTC
    Just got my fisrt fav :D
    OMG sooooo proud!
    2 more to go till I put chapter 1 up.
    Got alot of typing to do......
    -Shhh, No Name ;)

  13. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 11:10pm UTC
    How To Save A Heart- Description
    Adrianna Byron grew up with just her father, knowing nothing of what happened to her mother, not even looking like her. With her Father's dark red hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her father always worked hard to give her the things she wanted. She was happy with her life, until she started High School, when she was marked as an outcast and non-stop bullied from that day forth, pushing her into the deepest depression some people would ever witness.
    Chase Mitchell, on the other hand, had the life most people would dream of, he got everything he wanted, when he wanted it, he had a twin sister, two younger siblings, even an older sister, and both of his parents. He was captain of the football team, with dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He'd always been the kind of guy who was popular, and with heaps of friends, and fit in really well with most people.
    When Chase and Adrianna's lives are thrown together, will it be all happy endings, or will Adrianna's negative personality throw them apart as quickly as they were thrust together?

  14. NiallsWifey NiallsWifey
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 10:53pm UTC
    Heyyy guys!
    Okay. So with my
    story 'How To
    Save A Heart'
    I'm not going to
    update until the
    prologue has at
    least 3 favs
    please and thanks
    you guys! <3
    -Shhh, No Name ;)


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