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Best Scribbledstories Quotes This Week

  1. ScribbledStories ScribbledStories
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 7:43pm UTC
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    My name's Colton. I'm seventeen years young and I have very dark brown hair and light green eyes.
    I have an opinion about everything and I always stick to it. It's my opinion, and I will anounce it,
    even if it smashes yours. Okay, so I may seem a little harsh to some people, but it's better to speak out than to stay silent.
    I'm the lead singer of a band called Shattered Thoughts. Right now we just do cover songs,
    but I'm hoping to change that soon.
    I've got some opinions that I want this world to hear, like it or not.
    My name's Elizabeth. I'm sixteen and I stopped speaking three years ago.
    Colton is the new guy in town. Elizabeth is the school shut out.
    She became the loner of her school. In a small town, Elizabeth only has one way to keep her tragic secret.
    She stopped speaking. When Colton shows up in town as the newbe, he's the new slice of gossip the small town craves.
    He has the loudest opinions, and feels the need to scream it at anything with ears.
    What happens when the silent girl and the siren boy meet?

  2. ScribbledStories ScribbledStories
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2013 2:10am UTC
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    Chapter 1
    Colton's pov
    i pulled up to the new school on my motorcycle. I decided to leave my pick up truck at home.
    I make a better, more dramatic, enterence when I ride my motorcycle, and that's exactly what I want today.
    in this small town, it's time to shake things up a little.
    I ignored the stares of my new classmates as I walked into the school, picked up my schedule, and sat at the back of my first hour class.
    it was easy to find a group to sit with at lunch. I must have declined half if the school population though. Now I was sitting with Rick, Mark and a few other kids I don't remember.
    A girl with beautiful blonde hair entered the cafeteria with her eyes glued to the floor. Students moved out of her way as she sat at a table in the back of the lunch room, alone.
    people avoided her like the plague.
    "Who's that?" I asked the girl next to me. She flipped hair red hair, attempting to get my attention on her.
    "Her, siting alone over there." I pointed across the lunch room with a flick of my thumb.
    "Oh, that's no one."
    Annoyed, I turned to the guy next to me. His name skipped my mind, so I tapped on his shoulder and repeated the question I asked the other girl.
    "oh, that's Elizabeth, the school loner. She stopped speaking to everyone a couple years back. Doesn't seem to have much of an opinion since she doesn't interact with anyone either."
    at that moment, I had made up my mind.
    I was going to get her to speak again.
    Hey, sorry about the font of the tittle... Typing on an iPad doesn't work well...
    Thanks for reading!
    Check out the prologue!! http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/6702069


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