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Rubee3 Quotes

  1. #wishicouldgetyouback* #wishicouldgetyouback*
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2013 5:20pm UTC
    "I believe everyone has a purpose,
    I think my purpose is to save lives
    So if I could save one life
    my life won't be wasted."
    -Alison Rieman

  2. #wishicouldgetyouback* #wishicouldgetyouback*
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2013 11:28pm UTC
    The List
    Chapter Five
    Brandon's P.O.V.
    I kicked a side of concrete of Cameron's driveway. My ride was supposed to be coming-I wasn't supposed to come home until 12. I guess that's what socializing is, according to my mom. I checked my crap phone-only 9:10.
    This was going to be a long night. I looked over into his backyard, no one was really there, everyone was freezing so they went inside. Maybe I could get some food out of thing whole thing.
    Anna's P.O.V.
    I sipped some more liquid from my drink, and put it back on the table. Scott edged his hand closer and closer to the red lacy bra hook I was wearing. With all of his weight on me, I was laying with him on the most uncomfortable couch in the world. I swatted Scott's hand away, "Hey." I warned. Scott chuckled. "Don't worry sweetcheeks. I'm not gonna go telling Cali...anything." His fingers brushed the strap off my shoulder and I did everything in my might to push him off. "That's enough, Scott. We don't want to do this." I yelled. Scott just looked at me, circling me closer and closer. I started to step back into my dress and zip it up when I heard the door open.
    Oh my god.
    I peeked to see who's head it was that was in the doorway. Please don't be Cam-. Oh. It's only Emily. But her eyes widened the same. "Are you guys hooki-"
    "No." I said briskly. Turning around, I snapped at Emily. "Help me zip up my dress, I gotta go talk to Cameron." I gave Scott the stink eye.
    Scott skimpered to my side, "You're-'re not gonna tell Cali about this right?" he stuttered. I didn't answer him as I pulled my heels on. Taking Em's arm, I walked straight out of the living room and tossed an answer over my shoulder, "Just tying up loose ends."
    I searched the whole house to find Cameron, but unusually I found him in his bedroom alone. I ran over to meet him in an embrace. "Hey." I said, my heart beating a mile a minute.
    "Hey." he said in his typical low voice, him pulling me closer to him, "Wanna know the surprise?"
    Haha, look's who on the edge of their seat! Me!
    Lyric of the day:
    "I wanted to belong here, but something felt so wrong here"
    "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson.
    Felt it was appropriate. I know that this chapter may make some of you uncomfortable, but this is a realistic fiction story. These things do happen. But don't worry; things will return to normal soon!
    Love you all, tommorow is Friday!;D
    Comment if you want notifications~<3

  3. #wishicouldgetyouback* #wishicouldgetyouback*
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2013 10:52pm UTC
    The List
    Chapter Three
    "Hey, just go home. It'll be okay, I'll text you later, right?" Cameron said as he was walking away to his car. "It's just like any other year." I shivered, Brandon's crumpled face was haunting me, as I drove home, went on facebook or even just flipping through a magazine. I couldn't shake it.
    I thew the magazine down, even Josh Huderson's face couldn't help me now. My iPhone started buzzing.
    It was Emily. I answered, "Hey." The sound of music and definately party filled my ear. "ANNA." Emily yelled.
    "What?" I almosted snapped. "Geesh, mmkay, there's a party. At Cameron's. He's too drunk to call like you, so he told me that well I should do it because I'm a nice person and he told me my boots were cu-"
    "Em." I cut her off. "Come over," her high pitched voice giggled, "Cameron has a surprise for you," she paused, "Ooh la la."
    I sighed. Another one of Cameron's parties is something that you get used to. But I guess I'll go since he was nice enough to get me a surprise. I changed out of my sweatpants and tee into a pretty saucy short black dress. I slipped some strappy heels on, took 20 minutes to put my makeup on, but you could say I was ready to party.
    At the wrong kind of party.
    Ooo. Suspense. Haha I really do love this story so far and I'm working hard on it<3 I hope you enjoy it, and comment as always if you want to be notified! I just hope you don't get tired of me spamming ya'll!
    Love you to the moon and back<3

  4. #wishicouldgetyouback* #wishicouldgetyouback*
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2013 4:52pm UTC
    The Less You Care
    the Easier Life Is

  5. #wishicouldgetyouback* #wishicouldgetyouback*
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2013 3:44pm UTC
    Stop wasting your time
    On people
    who don't love you
    It makes you happier in the end.

  6. #wishicouldgetyouback* #wishicouldgetyouback*
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2013 8:43pm UTC
    it's everything to me. I come on here everyday, I love the people here. Everyone is so caring. Less than 3 months ago, I was in a deep spot. Where I hated everyone, and I'm pretty sure everyone hated me. I just want to say thanks for witty for making me become a happier person and changing that ugly personality. If you read this, I love you. Have a beautiful day,
    Stay strong,

  7. #wishicouldgetyouback* #wishicouldgetyouback*
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 9:21pm UTC
    50% of me wants to be the type of girl who does yoga at night, and drinks green tea, and reads books, and wears cute pajamas, and stays at home;
    while the other 50% of me wants to wear my sexiest outfit and go out doing lines of cocaine off of glass tables while dancing to the weeknd’s music.
    and yet i am neither of these girls


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