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Best Rubberband Quotes This Year

  1. vanessacp3 vanessacp3
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 9:05pm UTC
    When your friend threatens to flick
    you with a rubber band...
    and your whole life flashes
    before your eyes.
    cookie dough formats (not my quote) tumblr

  2. Bitter_Sweet Bitter_Sweet
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2013 7:14am UTC
    Love is like a rubber band.
    Held by two people at both ends.
    And when on leaves, the other one is hurt.

  3. send_me_a_smile send_me_a_smile
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2013 12:42pm UTC
    Love is like a rubber band held at two ends by two people
    When one leaves it hurts the other
    Format by Breeze

  4. just_fly just_fly
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2013 10:45am UTC
    So I've offically tried the ruber-band-flicking-thing that's suppose to help you stop cutting.....
    30 more. That's all I have to say to that. I mean, I'm not judging you if it works for you. But no. Nothing compares to the sweet sting of a blade, seeing the blood, and waking up for the scars to still be there.
    I'm sorry... no freaking rubber band could do that

  5. Confessions_of_a_Witty_Girl Confessions_of_a_Witty_Girl
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 4:15pm UTC
    It started off with a rubber band
    On the nights when I was sad.
    But then I was sad every night and it just wasn't enough.
    And then I looked in the mirror and I didn't what I saw.
    And I didn't like myself and I cried at night.
    So I went and found something sharp that wouldn't be missed.
    And I took the point to my skin and it was better.
    And then I just did it because that's my nightly routine.
    And I tried to stop one night
    Because he said he cared.
    Then I understood how it would become an addiciton.
    I had to do it.
    Then I wrote stuff to make me remember why I started.
    Fat, worthless, ugly and stupid.
    So then the bad part of my brain started to take over.
    And I needed something sharper.
    So I took the blade out of a sharpener and the cuts began to stay.
    I'm sorry because of the reasons on my skin.
    But I tell myself they're true and cover my legs in cuts.
    And once when I was walking across the road,
    I saw a car coming towards me.
    I looked at it and thought of the sweet release it would give.
    And I didn't have a bad part of my brain anymore,
    Because the depression had taken over.
    One little comment and the car racing towards me didn't frighten me,
    So I walked towards the road and asked for it all to end.
    And I wasn't scared to die.
    All of this has happened to me.
    But when I was in the middle of the road, I forced myself across. But I wasn't scared. I just knew he'd be sad.


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