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Best Rantalicious Quotes This Month

  1. pandagurlie pandagurlie
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2013 10:55pm UTC
    R A N T
    Hey, I haven't been on in like forever, but tonight I really just started to break down everything to my dad. I never used to trust any of my family members. I hate it when people who know my sister tell me "Ohmigosh! You're sister is so cool, I love her! We're bestiessss!" No. Seriously do not say that to me unless you want to get punched in the face by me. And I know that this sounds so stupid, but I always knew my mom thought I was "different" or just not "one of the girls". How? She makes me do so much work while her and my sister sit inside and just watch tv shows all day, she'll take my sister shopping and when I ask maybe once a year or less to go get nee jeans or a new shirt she'll tell me she never has enough free time for me. And tonight, it's sleeting, hard. And every night someone walks our dog so she doesn't go to the bathroom in her room, it ALWAYS is me. No matter what. Never my brothers or my mom or anyone else. But always me. And tonight the wind was going really hard and it loosened the umbrella. I come inside freezing cold, and my mom tells at me that it's my fault that the umbrella broke, that it's my fault I got the mat wet, that it's my fault I'm nothing like my sister. I'm sorry but I'm not perfect. And whenever I get a bad score, my dad tells me something like, "Aw, homey, it's okay, you'll do better on the next one!" and hug me. My mom? she tells me how worthless I am. Sorry Steve for this enormous, pointless rant to all of you guys. I just really had to get that out and tell someone other than my dad, this isn't even the whole thing, there's so much more.


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