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Best Project Quotes This Week

  1. Michelle Parker * Michelle Parker *
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2014 8:30pm UTC

  2. im_just_me im_just_me
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2013 3:24pm UTC
    so im just standing around, waiting to present a project and this girl sitting near me just looksup and goes...
    " You smell really good ! "

  3. BabyCakes412 BabyCakes412
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2013 5:24pm UTC
    When you're friend doesn't listen to you when you have a project to work on.

  4. TheDysfunctional TheDysfunctional
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2013 8:20pm UTC
    They were wrong.

  5. Bri* Bri*
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2014 3:44pm UTC
    hey everyone. I need your help. can you do me a favor, if you get a chance, can you help me with a project that im doing for class. All you have to do is submit a post (its anonymous) tell me about your online dating experiences and how its impacted you. Thank you. Heres the tumblr. To submit go to the left hand corner click the thing that has three horizontal lines and click tell me your story and go. Also if the ask box doesn't have enough room for your story, you can send me the story in a private message here and I will post it. Just include your age and what gender you identify as. There is no judgement, Thank you in advance for contributing

  6. szane27 szane27
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 4:59pm UTC
    The Butterfly Project:
    i. When you feel like you want to cut, binge, or mutilate, take a marker, pen, or sharpie and draw a butterfly on you hand or arm.
    ii. Name the butterfly after a loved one or someone you really want to get better.
    iii. You must let the butterfly fade naturally. NO scrubbing it off.
    iv. If you cut the butterfly before it is gone then you've killed it. If you don't cut, it lives.
    v. If you have more than 1 butterfly, cutting kills all of them.
    vi. Another person my draw them on you. These butterflies are extra special, take good care of them.
    vii. Even if you don't cut, feel free to draw a butterfly anyway, to show your support. If you do this name it after someone you know who cuts or is suffering right now, and tell them. It could help.

  7. TheMorticiansWife TheMorticiansWife
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2013 11:34am UTC
    I have to pretend to be Phobos, the Greek god of Fear, for an English project.
    I have an anxiety disorder.
    Can anyone spell IRONY?

  8. *♥ synchronicity ♥* *♥ synchronicity ♥*
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2013 2:14am UTC
    "If I had those red eyes myself, could I save someone’s future?"

  9. help_me_im_drowning help_me_im_drowning
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 3:59pm UTC
    As if depression is something that can be remedied by
    any of the content found in a first aid kit.
    -To this day project

  10. abbiemarie* abbiemarie*
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2013 3:05pm UTC
    What's a better combination for melted crayon art? pink/purple/orange... Or blue/green/yellow ?? Or if you have any different suggestions just comment!! Thanks!

  11. Junelovesyou Junelovesyou
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2014 12:59pm UTC
    Check out mine & my friends music video & Cover for
    Stay Away From My Friends
    by Pierce The Veil! :D
    We had a lot of fun making it & would appreciate the feedback!
    & check out my other videos!
    I do Makeup/Facepainting , Covers, Vlogging & just random tags! Feel free to leave me video requests ! :D

  12. lynzee lynzee
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2013 11:47pm UTC
    While I should be getting some sleep,
    I'm getting a head start on my summer reading project.
    Not going to procrastinate on this one!


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