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Best Pointofview Quotes This Month

  1. StormForceHeart StormForceHeart
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 8:16am UTC
    From a girl’s point of view, the guy always chooses the slxt. From a guy’s point of view, the girl always chooses the jerk.

  2. ashley567 ashley567
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2013 9:16pm UTC
    "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk aound in it."
    - To Kill A Mocking Bird

  3. #wishicouldgetyouback* #wishicouldgetyouback*
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2013 10:20pm UTC
    The List
    Chapter Five
    Brandon's P.O.V.
    I pulled my wet jacket around me closer. Why did i even come to this stupid party? I seriously thought I was going to be popular or even appreciated? Because I am freak of the year? I guess none of this matters anymore. But there was one reason why I was happy went. The only reason.
    I was still freezing when I got out of the water. See, I got pushed in too-just nobody really noticed me because beautiful Anna fell in. I know she kinda plopped in but I think she looked so graceful doing it.
    But think. Anna Calding, 100% full American woman, talked to me. Man, she's the type you'd die for. And I couldn't believe that I saw her, in that dress, looking..that way. We were sharing the same air for about 2 minutes when she was helping me. Yeah, I know you think I'm crazy. Me too.
    It all started when we were six and I just moved into the neighboorhood. That was back when my dad had a great job and my mom was happy. Anyways. I remember wanting to play in the HUGE treehouse across my backyard, and the little girl who was always in there. And all my dad said, "You don't belong with that type, Brandon." and patted my back and left me alone. But I snuck into her treehouse, looked through all the awesome toys she had and stuff I wanted but we couldn't afford.
    Falling for someone at a young age is a curse and a blessing.
    Curse: You're in love.
    Blessing: You've got something to live for.
    Yep, I am in her science class, I also did several book reports with her in the seventh grade but I know she doesn't remember because she smiled at me when I turned in the assignment on time.
    I was head over heels for this girl. And all she knows me as is someone she doesn't want to know. But I've got to change that.
    The only reason why she thinks of me that way is because of that list.
    Ooh. Well you got to see how Brandon feels! And yes, the surprise is coming up..!
    I will be adding more, I just have been super busy with sports, I try to post everyday!!!!!
    I love you all, <3
    Please comment if you want notifications, and thank you to all who followed me!!! You guys seriously make my day.


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