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Best Parts Quotes Today

  1. doublesidedice doublesidedice
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2013 9:19pm UTC
    We are society.
    But we're the minority.
    The majority is the part that makes the rules. The part that chooses people at random and crushes their spirits. The part that defines beauty and perfect.
    The minority is the part that breaks the rules. The part that picks up the crushed and sets them back onto their paths. The part that has its own form of beauty and perfection that outshines the majority. The best part, but its song is sung over by the monotone of the majority. Because of our unheard melody, we fall. We stay where we visit most. Down. That's why we don't make the difference. The people in the minority that climb to the top time and time again are the ones who are heard.

  2. OneDirection43 OneDirection43
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2013 6:30pm UTC
    I'm going to write a One Direction Fanfinction, but I need parts.
    The parts I need are:
    Niall's Crush:
    Liam's Crush:
    Louis' girlfriend:
    Zayn's Crush:
    Zayn's Bestfriend:
    Harry's Sister:
    Mean Girl:
    If you want a part comment the part you want, your name, your personality, and your looks. Parts will be posted ASAP.
    Thanks. Xx.

  3. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2013 9:27pm UTC
    Naming parts of spiders: nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

  4. LettingSecretsGo LettingSecretsGo
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 4:42pm UTC
    I let you see the parts of me
    that weren't all that pretty.
    And with every touch,
    you fixed them.

  5. OneDirection43 OneDirection43
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 12:02am UTC
    I'm going to write a One Direction Fanfinction.
    Niall's Crush: Aisling (cookiemonster07)
    Liam's Crush: Rachael (RachieRach12)
    Louis' girlfriend: someone_newish
    Zayn's Crush: Victoria (Tori10176)
    Zayn's Bestfriend: Jordan (jordismiles)
    Harry's Sister: Taylar (KeepFighting)
    Mean Girl: I'm just gonna make this one up unless someone wants to volunteer.
    So, here are the parts. I'm so sorry if you didn't get in. The first chapter should be up tomorrow. I always notify my characters. I still need someone_newish name. If you guys have any nicknames I could use that would be great. Also, if you got a part comment on this qoute so I know you saw it.
    Thanks. Xx.

  6. Sweden* Sweden*
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2014 9:50pm UTC
    Letters to my body parts.
    Dear eyes,
    I am sorry for using you for tears,
    but I couldn't help it. I was hurt.
    You were always swollen by night.
    Red in the morning, I'm sorry.
    Dear my nose,
    I was always timid about you,
    the one that collected my air.
    Kept me alive, but was big.
    Big noses weren't "pretty"
    I'm really sorry.
    Dear my arms,
    I'm sorry for disliking you,
    The size of you, I hated my weight.
    I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving scars.
    Hiding you from the world, I'm sorry.
    Dear my legs,
    I'm sorry for scarring you,
    kept you hidden. Hated the size.
    I am sorry for keeping you a lie.
    Secretly thinking badly of you.
    Dear my stomach,
    I've always had the worse of it in you.
    The pain is excruciating to stop eating.
    Just to keep you skinny, you were hungry.
    I know. And I was cruel. I let out starve.
    I remembered your compaints of groans.
    Hurt as you groaned, I know.
    Dear me,
    I hoped you knew, you were beautiful at the start.

  7. OneDirection43 OneDirection43
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2013 11:50pm UTC
    I'm going to write a One Direction Fanfinction, but I need parts.
    The parts I need are:
    Niall's Crush:
    Liam's Crush:
    Louis' girlfriend:
    Zayn's Crush:
    Zayn's Bestfriend:
    Harry's Sister:
    Mean Girl:
    If you want a part comment the part you want, your name, your personality, and your looks. Parts will be posted ASAP.
    Thanks. Xx.

  8. musicure musicure
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2018 8:11am UTC
    i'm not a stranger to the dark
    hide away, they say
    because we don't want your broken parts

  9. cool_story_bri cool_story_bri
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2013 1:13am UTC
    hey! I'm writing a one direction fanfiction! an i need parts !
    louis's gf-
    niall's bff-
    niall's bestfriends enemy-
    harry's ex-
    harry's gf-
    zayn's gf-
    liam's bestfriend-
    comment which part and why you want itt !

  10. T1nk3rF4iryk T1nk3rF4iryk
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2013 1:58pm UTC
    Apple: I look like a human heart. Mango: I look like a stomach. Grapes: I look like eyes. Banana: I don't like this game.

  11. ElmosWhoree* ElmosWhoree*
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2014 4:45am UTC
    Every part of me still hurts,
    Every part of me still aches.
    Remembering everything about you,
    my heart still feels pain.
    You left without a blink of an eye,
    and was with someone new within a short period of time.
    But five months later, I'm still broken over you.
    Five months later, and I still don't know what to do..

  12. kadialroudhan kadialroudhan
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2013 12:24pm UTC
    Hi im writing a fanfic
    The parts are
    Harrys gf :
    Louis gf:
    Liams gf :
    Zayns gf
    Nialls gf


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