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Best Paramedic Quotes This Week

  1. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2013 9:15pm UTC
    I hate when people say that teachers get a low salary like what the national median salary for a teacher is $54,000 a year. The average median income in America is $50,502, so teacher make $4,000 more per year than average. Thy get the same days off that we do, unless it's an in service day and there's maybe 10 of those all year. Plus, they get benefits, summers and holidays off. Also, most teachers are married to someone working so assuming that they work and get paid the median yearly in america the household of teacher is probably bringing in about $104,000 per year.
    Let's be honest, there's way shíttier jobs that make way less.
    Paramedic: A life saving, possibly traumatising job. Median salary: $31,000
    Seriously, I have strong feelings about this.
    In 7th grade my math teacher was complaining about his salary (he made $60,000 a year) and his wife worked, not sure what she made, and he's complaining, while hafl of the students in his class don't even have parents that can find work, and the other half's parents both work and don't even make $60,000 together.

  2. changed changed
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2013 6:39pm UTC
    Chapter 6
    “Mrs. Bruins?”
    “Speaking. Who is this?”
    “It`s Mary”
    “Oh hi Mary, what`s wrong you sound like you are crying”
    “I need to know what is going on with Colton”
    “Sweetie it is not my place to tell you the decision is up to Colton.”
    “Mrs. Bruins, I`m on my way to the hospital to go see him.”
    “Oh my God. What happened I`m getting in the car now?”
    “Go to entrance F. We were on our way to
    dinner and he fell asleep at the wheel while we were stopped at a stop sign. Then I said get out you can`t drive something is obviously
    wrong. Colton pulled over and went around back and
    I went around front and he didn`t come around. I waited thirty
    seconds then went to see what was wrong.
    When I arrived at the back of the car he
    was on the ground passed out and wouldn`t wake up.”
    “Oh my, I knew I shouldn`t have let him out while in this state. They said it was safe but something told me it wasn’t.”
    “Please tell me what is wrong with him. Who said it was safe?”
    “I`m pulling in to the hospital are you here.”
    “Yes i`m getting out of the car now. Do you see me?”
    “Yes, I`ll be right there, wait.”
    Before I could say anything she hung up. I have
    always hated hospitals ever since my dad died
    in third grade. My dad was in a car accident.
    Although I was able to say goodbye it was worse. I watched
    my dad in this hospital die ever so slowly. He passed away
    a week after arriving here. I hoped to never come back.
    “Mrs. Bruins.” I said starting to shed a tear.
    We headed for the entrance. The paramedic from
    the scene was waiting at the door for me.
    “Mary I’m glad you made it here safely I`ll bring you right in.
    Who is this that you have brought with you?”
    “This is Colton`s mother, Mrs. Bruins.” I said with a slight whimper.
    “Hello Mrs. Bruins I`m Bryan one of the paramedics on scene.
    I`ll bring you to Colton.”
    We followed Bryan into the hospital. Everything in a hospital
    always feels so cold and out of place.
    Nothing is everycomfortable and welcoming.
    Bryan brought us up to the seventh floor; this was the same
    floor my father passed away on. We entered room 706.
    There was Colton, surrounded by two doctors
    and a nurse. I could see his expressionless face. His eyes were closed.
    After standing there for thirty seconds I lost it.
    The tears began pouring down my face.


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