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  1. *Freedom* *Freedom*
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 6:51pm UTC
    Stolen Heart
    Chapter 6
    Mr. Blake was sitting on his desk, correcting all the papers that the students had handed in. He heard the news about how Craig dumped Tiffany over and couldn't be more happier than ever. He was a single man living in a large house, not huge enough to be considered a mansion. He had short black hair and a perfect tan that sent girls crawling to his feet. No one understood how he couldn't be married with kids, even with his straight jaw and his beautiful visage. His nose was in execellent coordination with the rest of his face, his eyebrows weren't as bushy as other teachers and his eyes were filled with the forest light green eyes circled with small gold. He was an adonis.
    After hearing the weak three knocks on his door, he frowned his eyebrows, not understanding who could come to his door this late after school. However, when the hurt sad Tiffany walked in, he couldn't keep his bum on the chair. He quickly approached her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, making her lay her head on his muscular chest. He smoothly send his finger through her bleach blond hair and whispered soft sounds to calm down her sobs.
    When they finally pulled away after a while, Tiffany tried to smile at him but couldn't. He then made her sit on his comfortable chair and sat on his desk to be able to stare at her.
    ''He dumped me in front of everyone.'' Tiffany whined, keeping her head down.
    ''Babe, don't be so sad,'' He whispered, putting his two fingers on his chin and lifted her face. When her eyes kept leaving his, he approached his face closer, ''Look at me hunny.'' When their eyes met again he sent her a smile, ''I love you.''
    ''I love you too.'' Tiffany whispered back and he lowered his face, making their lips meet softly. They moved their lips together tenderly, Mr.Blake putting his mild palm on her jaw. The hurt turned into a strong powerful make-out session, making Tiffany lift herself from the seat and press her palm against his abs. She lingered her fingers through the lines of his abs, making him chuckle on the kiss as well as herself.
    They broke off the kiss, both breathing heavily and looking into each others eyes. ''Now I have you all for myself. You don't know how painful it was to see you make-out with that do.uche and not being able to beat his fu.cking as.s.''
    Tiffany giggled, ''I need to get another boyfriend though,'' seeing his face fall and the smile transforming into hurt made her give him a peck on his thin light pink lips, ''If I don't find a boyfriend, that will bring suspision. Baby, I'm sorry.''
    Mr. Blake sighed before making their foreheads touch, ''Whatever to keep this relationship going. You're my angel. You need to understand that your the only person that I was ever loyal to. I really like you.''
    ''I'm all yours.''
    5 faves for the next chapter.
    I know, Tiffany dating a TEACHER?


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