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Best Nationalaverage Quotes Ever

  1. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2013 9:15pm UTC
    I hate when people say that teachers get a low salary like what the national median salary for a teacher is $54,000 a year. The average median income in America is $50,502, so teacher make $4,000 more per year than average. Thy get the same days off that we do, unless it's an in service day and there's maybe 10 of those all year. Plus, they get benefits, summers and holidays off. Also, most teachers are married to someone working so assuming that they work and get paid the median yearly in america the household of teacher is probably bringing in about $104,000 per year.
    Let's be honest, there's way shíttier jobs that make way less.
    Paramedic: A life saving, possibly traumatising job. Median salary: $31,000
    Seriously, I have strong feelings about this.
    In 7th grade my math teacher was complaining about his salary (he made $60,000 a year) and his wife worked, not sure what she made, and he's complaining, while hafl of the students in his class don't even have parents that can find work, and the other half's parents both work and don't even make $60,000 together.


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