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Best Mydad Quotes Ever

  1. Loopy23 Loopy23
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2013 6:11pm UTC
    Me: *goes outside to put something in the bin*
    My Dad: Holy shìt! Proud family moment! You actually left the house!
    Me: O_______o
    My Dad: Let me take a picture I want to remember this moment!
    Me: This is why I never leave the house .__.

  2. Oniichan Oniichan
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2013 7:52pm UTC
    "I've told you, this isn't a cigarette. It's a lollipop!"

  3. chachawawabubu chachawawabubu
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2014 9:10pm UTC
    Adventures of my Dad
    Episode #5: Boogers
    *In the car with my dad.*
    Me: Aw! Dad, look at that cute couple holding hands!
    Dad: Ugh.
    Me: What do you mean, ugh? They are adorable!
    Dad: No they're not.
    Me: How could you say that! Look how he's holding her hand, it's so romantic.
    Dad: I bet you a hundred dollars he picked his nose with that same hand.

  4. marie1616 marie1616
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2013 10:07pm UTC
    Me: *Walks to the front door*
    Dad: You going somewhere?
    Me: Yeah, going to have some s/ex.
    Dad: You left your laptop charger at your sisters didn't you?
    Me: ....yes

  5. marie1616 marie1616
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2013 3:44pm UTC
    *Weird convo with my dad*
    Dad: You need to get off the computer, you're addicted, & looking a bit pale.
    Me: Would you rather me be addicted to the Internet or Heroin?
    Dad: Well at least if you were doing Heroin, you'd have to leave the house to get it, which in your case is a step up.

  6. lettherainhideyourtears lettherainhideyourtears
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2013 6:29pm UTC
    Me: dad
    Me: dad stop yelling at the tv
    Me: the moms on say yes to the dress aren't going to hear you

  7. marie1616 marie1616
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2013 7:50pm UTC
    Me: Yo dad I got a 100% on that test.
    Dad: ...Who the h/ell did you cheat off of?

  8. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2022 5:49am UTC
    I miss Dad

  9. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 10:25am UTC
    My family makes me feel so invisible and misunderstood. Like when I talk, I either go unheard, or things I say are not important enough to them, or they can't relate to them,
    and they make me feel bad for liking certain things and wanting to do certain things. I really love music. I told my dad I wanted to start taking piano lessons. His reaction was "Piano lessons? Why do you want to learn to play the piano? I don't understand why you would spend your time on that. It is not like you are going to be able to do anything successful with it. And anyway, you will probably back out of it, and not go. You know how you get paranoid about things and then never end up doing them" He reacted the same way when I shared my poetry and my writing, like it was "weird"
    Next time, I want to try something new, I am not even going to mention it to my dad, because I know how he will react

  10. KassieKiss KassieKiss
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2013 10:31pm UTC
    My Dad got the perfect Birthday Pressent...
    He got to spend it with his Four Month Old Grandson.
    He cant stop....
    SMILING :)

  11. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2014 5:53pm UTC
    My dad yelled at me today....and made me forget a really awesome poem I had thought of the night before. I didn't write the poem down. I was getting ready to, and had it in my memory.
    My dad started shouting at me to hurry up and get ready because he had to drop me off somewhere and thought I was taking too much time getting ready.
    He got so mad....he shouted at me so much, it made me actually frustrated and I got nervous, and I just completely forgot the words to the poem I was going to write. He got mad at me, and in turn, made me mad, because he caused me anxiety. I hate when people shout at me and give me orders. Yes, some parents feel like they have to order their kids around, but honestly, my dad knows how sensitive I am...I cry really easily...He knows that...He also hate when people cry. It actually makes him angrier. Why does he have to be so controlling, loud and rude to me?
    He doesn't treat my brother or sister like this
    I was reading something about parents who are narcissistic.
    Honestly, my dad fit every single symptom of a narcissistic parent...some of the characteristics are "arrogent, lacks empathy, likes to fight, very protective and controlling, can never be wrong, their opinions are always right, thinks they are better than others, likes to yell, shames someone to make them feel better about themselves"...sounds like my dad. I think he belittles me because deep down, he is insecure, even though he thinks he is better than others. I felt like I was reading something that was written about him.....it was scary how much it described him

  12. AubreeMae AubreeMae
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2014 4:37pm UTC
    My dad's journal about losing his son 2 and half years ago at 18 years old. My older brother, my hero.

    The night before Tegan passed away we sensed time was running out. As the sky quickly darkened the air grew eerily cold... and with each breath we felt a heavy, somber feeling grow within our hearts. That abyss that was inching to devour our son has its mouth stretched wide and was beginning to swallow him up.
    We were preparing to cuddle with Tegan in his room to comfort him when we recieved a call from his best friend and next-door neighbor who wanted to see Tegan. Unaware that Tegan was already slipping away and was coming in and out of consciousness, we asked this young boy if we could speak to his mother. We told her Tegan didn't have much time and that perhaps her son would want to come over one last time. Within a few minutes of that call, this young boy came over to say goodbye to our baby, his best friend.
    Tegan absolutely loved Luke. Tegan was always excited to spend time with him... So this last visit would mean more to Tegan than I think Luke realizes to this day.
    What I witnessed in the quite of Tegan's room was the most tender interaction between two teenage boys I have ever seen. It was a sacred exchange between two boys made of clay - each being shaped by experience, hardship, sacrifice and love.
    Lying on the bed was our young boy much too young to die. Standing next to him, another young boy holding his hand, bearing his young soul... much too young to say goodbye. It was not my place to ask God why such heavy things were required by hands of these two innocent souls. Instead, I began to ponder deeply and pray in my heart to understand what we were meant to learn from this hardship.
    These aren't the only two teenagers to experience this, and they won't be the last. But they were our kids.. and we loved them so. It hurt so very much to see.
    Luke, who had loved Tegan like a brother and faithfully served him with all his heart told Tegan how much he meant to him, that because of Tegan he learned what it meant to be a true friend and that he would never forget him. Luke struggled to hold back tears, his voice was broken with emotion, as Tegan lay unable to move or speak. His eye barely open, my little son listened to tender words of affection and friendship. My wife and I wept as we witnessed love and friendship in its purest form. I knew that Luke, Tegan's faithful friend, was breaking inside.
    Afterward I hugged him and told him how much my wife and I loved and appreciated him. I told him I was sure if Tegan were able to speak he would tell Luke that he loved him like a brother and that he appreciated how he was always there to help him, and how much it meant to him that he always cheered him up when he was sad. I told Luke that he taught Tegan and his parents what it meant to be "your brother's keeper" and that we were so grateful to him.
    Later that evening I couldn't help but think of that tender experience between these two boys who were forced to grow up much to fast.
    I admit the burden of losing my presious son has my knees trembling, hands shaking and my soul in tremendous pain. There exist no words in human language to describe the depths of this sorrow. It is simply, utterly, bewildering heavy. But, like all suffering, the sting of that pain can make way to a deeper compassion towards others, a greater capacity to love, a stronger desire to reach toward God and understand His purposes.
    The truth is, we are [all of us] no different than these two boys. We are all made of clay. And with each choice we make, each reaction to events in our life, we carve out something beautiful or something hideous - something that loves or hates. We need only look at our own life experience to know this is true... We have all seen some let the clay in their hearts harden and become brittle or unmovable. Others allow the tears of suffering to keep their clay soft and pliable.
    It has been an agonizing 1 year and 7 months since I have seen my precious son. My clay is still drenced with tears and soggy. One day the tears will eventually dry and I will do all that I can to remain piable.

  13. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2014 10:54am UTC
    My dad said my room was too messy
    He said it was too cluttered with stuff
    I wanted to say "well our house is full of your antiques and collectables, this house is cluttered with stuff"
    But I didn't say it, becuase then he would get mad at me for being a smart mouth
    I can't argue with my dad or have different opinions, because he thinks I am being a brat or a smart mouth
    I can't win an arguement with my dad
    When we fight about something and he makes me feel bad, he doesn't apologize. He never admits he does anything wrong
    He goes and buys me things, to make up for being mean.....I would be just as happy if he actually apologized once in a while
    He never does

  14. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2014 7:58pm UTC
    Dear dad
    Being nice to me, buying me coffee drinks, new clothes, or taking me on trips, doesn't take away yelling insults at me, putting me down, making me feel stupid, and like my problems are not serious
    If you hurt someone's feelings, then you acknowledge you hurt their feelings, and you apologize
    Oh wait, my dad never apologizes, so he can't do that

  15. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2014 8:03pm UTC
    I forgot my dad's birthday:(
    He came home and brought me coffee, and some other things, and was being really nice. And I didn't ask him to buy me anything
    I didn't even know today was his birthday, until my mom told me
    Now I feel bad:( I am going to be extra nice to him today
    I wish I had known it was his birthday, I would have bought him a gift or a card

  16. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2014 12:02am UTC
    I think my dad has a personality disorder
    He can go from funny, nice, and calm one minute, to raging in anger and shouting out the meanest insults
    It's actually pretty scary
    And he's really tall, and strong looking
    When my dad goes from easy going to suddenly angry, it's like watching the Hulk take over

  17. AnotherGirlW/oASharperKnife* AnotherGirlW/oASharperKnife*
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 6:34pm UTC
    I think my dad is the only person that would compaare a song called "Trailer Park Mullet Wars" to FREAKIN Bring Me The Horizon..... O.o

  18. MissHatty MissHatty
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2013 8:37am UTC
    My Dad...
    He's a Neck Nuzzler,
    Crossword puzzling,
    Ear Picking,
    Towel Flicking,
    Mum Snogging,
    Bog Hogging,
    Loud snoring,
    Can be boring,
    Silly laughing,
    Arf Arrrfing,
    Shopping getting,
    List forgetting,
    Football playing,
    Chore delaying,
    Slightley greying..
    But honeslty?
    I wouldn't change him for the world.


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