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Meowimacat Quotes

  1. TrustMeImLying TrustMeImLying
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2014 4:05pm UTC
    5 Truths Quiz
    1. Last beverage=Monster
    2. Last Phone call=My mum
    3. Last Text Message=Amy
    4. Last Song You Listened To=THIS ONE'S FOR YOU - Of Mice & Men
    5. Last time I cryed=Last night
    6. Dated Somone Twice=Nah
    7. Been Cheated On=I'm not sure. Secrets stay secret...
    8. Lost Someone Special=Yes
    9. Kissed Somone and Regreated It=No
    10. Been Depressed=Hasn't everyone?
    11. Been drunk and threw up=Nah
    12. Red
    13. Black
    14. Grey
    15. Made a New Best Friend=Yep
    16. Fallen In Love=No
    17. Slept With Someone New=No
    18. Met Someone Who Changed You=No
    19. Found out who you true friends are=Unfortunately not
    20. Found out someone was talking about you=Yep
    21. Kissed anyone on my friends list=Who actually even has a "friends list"?
    22. How many people on your friends list do you actually see=See previous answer
    23. How many kids do you want to have=One, I know the horrors of having siblings. Pain I would never wish upon any child...
    24. Do you have any pets=Two guinea pigs called Holly and Monty, and some sea monkeys collectively named Trevor
    25. Do you want to change your name=Nope, having a dude's name is pretty freakin awesome
    26. What did you do for your last birthday=Sacrificed my neighbours to Satan
    27. What time did you wake up today=I didn't sleep
    28. What were you doing at midnight lastnight=Drawing
    29. Name something you can not wait for=I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO BE KIIIIIIIING
    30. Last time you saw your mother=This morning
    31. What is one thing you wish you could change about youself=My skin... it tends to get pretty dry :(
    32. What are you listening to right now= Thank You For The Venom by My Chemical Romance
    33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom= Yep
    34. Whats getting on your nerves right now= Perfluorocarbons... that's some trippy sh//t.
    35. Most visted webpage= Cracked.com, lol
    36. Whats your Name= Charlie
    37. Nicknames?= Satan
    38. Relationship Status= Single but pretty sure I'm asexual
    39. Male/Female= Female.
    40. Primary school= I went to two
    41. Middle school= I'm English, we don't have middle schools
    42. College= Not at college yet
    43. Hair colour= Really dark brown,.. my hair colour is actually very debatable, some say it's dark brown, some say it's black.
    44. Long or short= Long
    45. Perfume= Eu Oceane
    46. Do you have a crush on someone= No
    47. What do you like bout yourself= I'm pretty talented at writing, drawing and music.
    48. Piercings= Ears, several times at the top and at the bottom. I want a lip ring but I'm broke and my parents say I have to pay for it.
    49. Tattoos=Again, broke
    50. Righty or Lefty=Ambidexterous, which I'm quite proud of.
    51. First Surgery=Appendix removal. I've actually had a LOT of surgery over the past few years.
    52. First Piercing=Earlobes
    53. First best friend=Jade
    54. First sport you joined=Tennis
    55.First Vacation=Spain
    56. Eating=Nothing
    57. Drinking=Nothing
    58.I'm about to=Slap a b//tch
    59. Listening to=Never Say Die - Black Sabbath
    60. Waiting for=The zombie apocalypse
    61. Want Kids=Haven't made up my mind yet
    62. Want to get married=No
    63. Career = Hopefully designing album art
    64. Lips or Eyes= Eyes
    65. Hugs or Kisses=Neither... I cringe at any form of affection
    66. Shorter or Taller=It's not exactly like height matters
    67. Older or younger=Who am I to judge someone based off their age?
    69. Smart or good face=Good face? Excuse me while I die laughing at both your horrible grammar and shallow constructs of beauty
    70. Sensitive or loud=Both
    71. Hook - up or relationship=Neither
    72. Truble maker or Hesitant=Both
    73. Kissed a stranger=No
    74. Drank hard liquor=No
    75. Lost glasses or Contacts=I've lost my contact lenses, yes
    76. "IT" on first date=No... why would you refer to the act of sexual intercourse as "it" anyway? Are you still in primary school?
    77. Broken someones heart=Yes
    78. Had your own heart broken=Yes
    79. Been Arrested=No
    80. Turned someone down=Yes
    81. Cried when someone had died=Yes
    82. Fallen for a friend=No
    83. Yourself=No, I'm the f//king Easter Bunny. Of course I believe in myself, I'm real, aren't I?
    84. Love at first sight=Scientifically speaking, assistant psychology/neurology professor Stephanie Ortigue from Syracuse University, along with many other researchers, performed a meta-analysis study called "The Neurology of Love". In Ortigue's study, she and her colleagues found that 12 areas of the brain work together to release many chemicals and hormones that induce the feeling of love as early as 0.2 seconds of visual contact. Among these chemicals are dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline, and vasopressin. Some psychology and neurology there.
    85. Heaven=No
    86. Santa=Never have done
    87. Kiss on First date=Take it as slow or fast as you want - it's your relationship
    88. Angels=No
    89. Had more than one Girlfriend/ Boyfriend at a time= No
    90. Did you sing today=Yes
    91. Ever cheated on somone=No
    92. If you could go back in time how far would you go=To the day Mitch Lucker died in a motorbike accident, so I could prevent it from happening
    93. If you could pick one day to relive what would it be=My birth. I've often found it intriguing as to whether babies can form coherent thoughts, or whether they simply feel emotions
    94. Do you have one certian regret that you wish you could change=I went through a phase where I was really into pop music and faked a lot of stuff to fit in... probably one of the worst stages of my life
    95. Did you like this survey=Well, we'll put it this way: it killed time.


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