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Malec Quotes

  1. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2013 2:16pm UTC
    The Mortal Instruments Fandom
    1. The first character I first fell in love with: Magnus or Jace
    2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Alec
    3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Maryse Ligthwood
    4. The character I love that everyone else hates: ..... Maybe Valentine and not so much love but feel bad for because he gave up everything trying to make the world better.
    5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Hodge
    6. The character I would totally smooch: Jace or Kyle
    7. The character I’d want to be like: Clary
    8. The character I’d slap: Jonathan or Camille
    9. A pairing that I love: MALEC or Clace♥
    10. Pairing that I despise: None

  2. ReonnaLeigh ReonnaLeigh
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2013 11:26am UTC
    the mortal instruments fandom!
    1. The first character I first fell in love with: Mangus
    2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Alec
    3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Maureen
    4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Sebastian
    5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Hodge
    6. The character I would totally smooch: Jace
    7. The character I’d want to be like: Clary
    8. The character I’d slap: Joclynn
    9. A pairing that I love: MALEC
    pairing that I despise: sissy


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