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Best Maella Quotes This Week

  1. AnotherWorld AnotherWorld
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2013 11:27pm UTC
    Another world
    Flash back
    "I want to leave this world."
    "Are you sure you want to do this?"
    "I don't want to be here anymore. Leaving this world and going into another one, even if it's not a real world is the best thing I can do.
    "It will probably feel like a dream when you first wake up there, and remember, we're sending others so you won't be alone."
    "I know," I've heard this all before from the same lady two weeks ago.
    "There's one thing we forgot to tell you,"
    "Somehow I doubt that," I whisper under my breath.
    "In this world, when you die, you stop breathing and you can never be revived. We don't know what happens when you die in the world we're sending you and five thousand others in. We just don't know."
    They don't know what happens to you when you die. They don't know what will happen to me or anyone if we stop living in that world.
    "How do you not know?" I ask.
    "Maella," The lady tries to calm me.
    "No!" I stop her before she can try calming me. "How can you not tell me this? I thought you knew everything!"
    "Maella, this is an experiment, that is why we test these things. To find out." She smiles a little.
    "I don't want to go anymore." I try to stand up, but Amanda, the women, snaps her fingers and two guards hold me down.
    "Yes you do, Maella, yes you do." She smiles again.
    The men hold me down and strap me into the pod and place a helmet over my head. I can't hear what they're talking about, but I think it's about me. I hear something pouring into the chamber I'm in, but it's not water. Nothing is in here but me. I start to feel woozy and sick before I finally shut my eyes and I'm out.
    Hey, so I'm writing this story, let me know if you like it. This chapter is telling you how Maella, who is the main character, got into this other world. This was probably confusing and you're probably wondering why she agreed to participate in this experiment, and that will all be revealed soon. Let me know if you want to be notified.

  2. AnotherWorld AnotherWorld
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2013 11:51pm UTC
    Another world
    Waking up
    I open my eyes to a beautiful shining sun. Where am I? I don't know this place. Actually, I don't recognize anything here.
    There is a girl and a boy sitting beside me. They're both leaning up against a tree. I sit up.
    "Emery, she's awake." The girl smiles at me. Her smile is very pretty, warm and happy.
    "Don't scare her, Fallon." The boy puts his hand out to keep the girl -- Fallon away from me.
    "Um," I rub my head. I have the biggest headache ever.
    "What's your name?" Emery asks.
    I hesitate and try to think of where I am. I think Fallon catches on to me by seeing me look at everything strangely.
    "Emery, I think she's confused as to where she is." Fallon moves Emery's arm away from her and scoots closer to me. "We're in Ainia. You probably signed up for the program to leave the world we all lived it. We did it too, but we did it together. Did you come here with anyone?"
    I remember now. I was in a lab room with a women and they gased me when I told them I didn't want to come here. "How do I get out of here?"
    "Oh," Fallon's eyes widen.
    "Fallon," Emery stops her from saying something. "We don't think there is a way to get out of here. The people who sent us here told us that we stay here until we die and when we die in here, we actually die. They told us to think of it like a video game brought to life, except you get one life and no redos."
    "I see," I tell them. "My name is Maella." I extend a hand out and shake first Emery's and then Fallons.
    "We should probably buy weapons, shouldn't we?" Fallon directs that question to no one in particular.
    "Why would we buy weapons?" I ask.
    "This world is pretty much a death trap. People are going to start killing other people and everyone will go crazy. You need to stick with someone you can trust. That's why we asked you if you brought anyone with you."
    "But what if I didn't?" I'm a little scared to be honest.
    "Then you can come with us, right Emery?" Fallon answers for him.
    "Right," Emery sighs, but smiles.
    Hey, so I'm writing this story, let me know if you like it. Tell me your thoughts so far, do you like Emery and Fallon, or what about Maella? Let me know if you want notified.

  3. AnotherWorld AnotherWorld
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2013 4:38pm UTC
    Another world
    Destinations and Walking
    "Where exactly are we going?" Since Fallon and Emery have been awake longer than I have, they've already explored a little.
    "It's a store called Stan's Signifigant Supplies. Not the most creative name, but it sells things you're going to need in order to live here." Emery points out his clothes. "See what I'm wearing? I wasn't wearing these when I arrived. I was wearing the guy version of what you are. You need better, more protective clothes."
    "They also sell food and anything else you can imagine." Fallon exclaims.
    "Joy," I whisper.
    Let me know if you like it. Tell me your thoughts so far, do you like Emery and Fallon, or what about Maella? Let me know if you want notified.


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