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  1. stutter stutter
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2013 4:23pm UTC
    Honestly, people are really freaking sick. Especially with what they find 'funny' or 'harmless'. I thought we'd have little lesson here. Cutting / self - harm? It's not funny nor will it ever be funny. It's a serious thing and people struggle on a daily basis with it.
    Harmless is not a freaking word to describe what it is or what a joke about it is. It's not funny or cute. It can sometimes be triggering to people, do you know what that means? It means that it could actually cause someone to harm themselves and that's the last thing that I ever want. Because, the people who struggle with it? They're so amazing and so strong and I know that they can do whatever they put their minds to. Including, healing and recovering and getting better. Will it be hard? Yes but, I know that they can do it. Because, they are strong and beautiful and amazing and wonderful. And, words can't not even begin to describe these people. They've been through so much and yet, they've got the strength to keep going. To get up every morning and keep going.
    As you can probably tell, i'm p/ssed off right now. Because, people think it's funny to crack jokes about cutting. It's not funny and it will never be and just because someone harms themselves doesn't make them 'emo' - h/ll, emo isn't even the word to describe a person. Emo is a word to describe a style of rock music. So, can you all please think before you post or open your mouth again? It'd be best for everyone.
    { By the way, we really need a vent or rant tag because, I didn't even know where to place this. kthnx for reading my little rant. }


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