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Best Luciddreaming Quotes This Month

  1. Sole Sole
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 5:09pm UTC
    Lucid Dreaming
    Lay down and go to sleep. This works best if you are extremely tired. Lay on your back with your arms at your side and your eyes closed. STAY PERFECTLY STILL. You must stay awake. Your brain will send signals to your body to see if you are ready to sleep. These signals include: getting an itch, changing your body position, wanting to blink or move your eyeballs (remember your eyes should be closed). YOU MUST IGNORE ALL OF THESE IMPULSES. After about 20-30 minutes, you will feel a weight on your chest; you may even hear weird noises. You are now in sleep Paralasis. If you open your eyes you will begin to hallucinate (dream with your eyes open), and you will not be able to move your body. Your body is now completely asleep. Now that you are aware you are dreaming, you can shut your eyes and begin to dream instantly. You will be fully aware you are dreaming and can now, with some practice, control your dreams.
    I really want to try this but I'm afraid that, if this actually works, I'll hallucinate something scary and won't be able to move or speak.

  2. Butterbear Butterbear
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2013 1:46am UTC
    So if you
    listen to this as you fall asleep you
    will be able to lucid dream and i just
    think it's the coolest thing ever so here's
    the link;
    "A lucid dream is any dream in which one
    is aware that one is dreaming."

  3. ParticipationAward* ParticipationAward*
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2013 5:45pm UTC
    Lucid Dreaming
    Lay down and go to sleep. this works best if you are extremely tired. lay on your back with your arms at your side and eyes closed. STAY PERFECTLY STILL. You must stay awake. Your brain will send signals to your body to see if you are ready to sleep. These signals include: getting an itch, changing your body position, wanting to blink or move your eyeballs (remember your eyes should be closed). YOU MUST IGNORE ALL OF THESE IMPULSES. After about 20-30 minutes you will feel a weight on your chest; you may even hear weird noises. You are now in sleep Paralasis, if you open your eyes you will begin to hallucinate (dream with your eyes open) and you will not be able to move your body. Your body is now completely asleep. Now that you are aware you are dreaming, yo can shut your eyes and begin to dream instantly. You will be fully aware you are dreaming and can now (with some practice) control your dreams.

  4. sarbearthecarebear sarbearthecarebear
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 11:10pm UTC
    I want to be able to Lucid Dream. It sounds awesome. Any tips on how to?


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