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Best Looselyinspiredbyrichardsiken Quotes Ever

  1. rec0ver rec0ver
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2013 6:47pm UTC
    he is stronger than you will ever be
    picture this.
    it's bitter cold out and you know he loves you and you're so sorry because
    you don't love him and you never have.
    and you're sorry and he tells you that being with you is like punching a wall out of anger,
    you're bleeding, you're hurt, but you feel satisfied, too.
    it's bitter cold out and you're shaking but it's not the cold that's making your bones feel thin and frail
    it's the way he's standing.
    your knees start to shake and his posture is defeated and fragile
    like a man who carries the sins of the whole world
    and knows it.
    You would think it's a weak person who loves with all their heart
    but it's quite the contrary.
    it takes a very strong person to give away love,
    and you lost the ability to do that a long time ago
    when you watched your father get buried six feet
    underneath dirt that was damp and cold.
    you promised yourself never to love someone
    again because it hurts too much
    and you've hurt so much.
    picture this.
    it's bitter cold out and you're the reason he's crying.
    it's bitter cold out and your knees shake when you tell him
    you don't love him and you never have.


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