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Best Longshot Quotes This Year

  1. RandomationStudios RandomationStudios
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 11:40pm UTC
    Long Shot
    Chapter 31 - "We'll never see it coming"
    Caleb's P.O.V
    It’s raining, more of a downpour than a shower, the sky is an awful shade of grey, the sidewalks all full of puddles. After I had finished talking, Nicole had gotten up and began packing her belongings. I didn’t even have to tell her she had to leave. Nicole understood. I press my forehead on the cold window. It wasn’t easy for Nicole to say goodbye to Carrie and Brian. My kids had said it was my fault that Nicole was leaving, I don’t blame them. “Where will you go?” I asked her. Nicole had shrugged.
    “I don’t know.” I was tempted to kiss her soft lips one last time. But I didn’t. I could tell Nicole was on the verge of tears. She stopped at the door, thinking for a moment. “Caleb” she spoke gently, looking into my eyes. “I want you to know that I’m leaving because I love you, and because I care about you. I want you to be happy with your kids, since none of this is their fault” “It’s not your fault either” I said. She stood on her tip-toes then and kissed my jaw. “Take care of yourself, Caleb, and your kids” was the last thing Nicole told me before she walked outside. Into the rain.
    Gone, forever maybe.
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  2. RandomationStudios RandomationStudios
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2013 6:14pm UTC
    Long Shot
    Chapter 28 - "It's a long shot just to beat these odds"
    Caleb's P.O.V
    “W’what?” I stutter. “You heard me, Caleb, I’m pregnant and the baby is yours” Amber repeats calmly. I feel a thousand emotions at once; fear, anger, disgust, sorrow. I bury my face in my hands. I really can’t believe this is happening, not only did I cheat on Nicole, but now my ex-girlfriend is expecting a child and I’m the father.”What do you want me to do?” I ask wearily. Amber looks a bit impatient, as if her demands are quite obvious. "What do you think?” she says, “You wan’t me to send you money? Rent you an apartment?” I say, hoping for an easy way out. I know, I'm a coward and an idiot. "Caleb, I’m going to be honest with you” Amber says.
    The tone of her voice sends a shiver down my spine. I clutch the ceramic mug that holds my half-finished coffee. “After having two kids, I’m not looking forward to having another” Amber starts, her voice flat, staring at the table. “But hey, it’s not the childs fault now is it?” I agree with her on that, she may be selfish at times, but she usually sees what’s right. “Then I thought, I can’t take care of a child alone,not know, and I’m not dumping my baby with you and that girl you’ve been living with.” I have a bad feeling as to where this conversation is going. Ambers piercing dark green eyes find mine,
    “I want us to get married Caleb” she says. “No!” I immediatley shout, indignant. “Honey, it’s either marriage, or I get an abortion and I take Carrie and Brian away from you. I promise that you will never see them again.” Amber says matter-of-factly. I think she’s now saying something about how much she loves me, but I stopped listening. My world has just shattered right now.
    I ruined everything with a stupid mistake.
    Oh well, no happy ending here.
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  3. RandomationStudios RandomationStudios
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 9:25pm UTC
    Long Shot
    Chapter 32 - "I know that I'll regret it"
    Nicole's P.O.V
    The cold rain splatters thickly on the windows of the apartment I managed to rent last minute.
    I yank the curtains to hide the windows, hating the depressive sight. Or at least depressive to me right now, I usually love rain. The walls of the apartment are plain white. One bedroom, one bathroom, and a kitchen/living room. That's all there is. I sit on a small grey couch the previous owner of the apartment so kindly sold to me for a low price. Not having much to do, I fiddle with the ring on my finger. Ring... A cold chill runs through me. I didn't return the engagement ring Caleb gave me. I've grown accustomed to wearing it, so I forget it was there altogether. Suddenly my phone rings. I answer it without checking the caller ID. "Hello?" I ask absently. "Mommy?" A soft voice says. I sigh.
    "Oh, Carrie, hello" I reply, saddened since she called me mommy. "Mommy, where my shoes’s’?" Carrie asks me, speaking in a clipped sentence since she’s young. I know her well enough to understand what she's asking. "In the closet honey, in the plastic container" I tell her. "Thwank you" Carrie says. "Where's your daddy? I mean, doesn't he know where your shoes are?" I ask out of curiosity. "Daddy is with my other mommy" Carrie tells me, her voice sounds sad. "They talking."
    "Oh, that's nice “Is all I manage to say. "I miss you” Carrie tells me. “I miss you too, Carrie” I say. “I need go now, bye” Carrie says. “Bye Carrie, take care of yourself and your brother darling” I reply. A soft click tells me that Carrie hung up. I lean back on the couch.
    Once again, I am alone.
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  4. RandomationStudios RandomationStudios
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 8:55pm UTC
    Long Shot
    Chapter 27 - "I'm trying to handle all this unpredictability"
    Caleb's P.O.V
    *A few weeks later*
    “I can’t believe we’re getting married in two weeks!” Nicole exclaims, hugging me tightly. “I know” I reply, kissing her cheek. Suddenly, my phone rings. Nicole let’s go of me and I check my phone. I have a new text message. It reads Caleb; I really need to talk to you. It’s important. –Amber I instantly feel guilty and disgusted when I read her name, on account of our affair a few weeks ago.”Something wrong baby?” Nicole asks. I fake a smile. “Everything it okay” I say. “Okay, I’m going to check on Carrie and Brian” Nicole says, walking down the hall. I text Amber back. When and where? She soon replies, telling me to meet here at a small coffee shop a few blocks away in an hour.
    *An hour later*
    “What do you want?” I say to Amber, who is sitting in front of me. She sighs. “Caleb, please. Don’t talk to me like that” she says. “What do you expect, Amber” I say gruffly. “You left me and our kids.” Amber closes her eyes for a moment. “Caleb, I need to tell you something” she says finally. “What?” I say blankly, staring at a cup of plain coffee in front of me. “I’m pregnant” Amber says. I look up. “What do you want me to do? Go to your boyfriend since he probably knocked you up” I say. I know I’m being rude, but I don’t see how this involves me. Does she expect me to take care of her and the baby she’s expecting? “Caleb, my boyfriend and I broke up, you’re the last person I was with” she says, sounding desperate.
    "The baby is yours.”
    Hehe, bethca never saw that coming.
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  5. RandomationStudios RandomationStudios
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2013 9:29pm UTC
    Long Shot
    Chapter 30 - "I'm trying to handle all this unpredictability"
    Caleb's P.O.V
    I’m sitting on the edge of the bed I share with Nicole. Soft rays of light peek through the curtains. It’s getting late. Nicole steps into the room and closes the door behind her. “Carrie and Brian are asleep” she says. I hold out my hand to Nicole, pulling her close. “I…I have to tell you something” I mumble. Nicole looks at me expectantly. Although it practically kills me, I manage to tell her. “I cheated on you” I say. Nicole’s eyes get wide. “What? With who?” she asks, her voice shocked. “Amber” I reply, my voice almost a whisper. “I’m so sorry.” Nicole slides of my lap and sits on the edge of the bed.
    She stares at the floor for a few minutes, locks of her blond hair covering her face. “Caleb” Nicole says, looking at me, teary-eyed. “I can forgive you, as long as you never cheat on me again.” Her words sting. She loves me that much as to forgive me. “No, that’s not all” I say flatly. “Amber is pregnant, and I’m the father of the child she’s expecting.” Nicole stares at me in disbelief. Her bottom lip starts to quiver “Amber wants me to marry her, if I don’t, she'll have an abortion and take Carrie and Brian away from me.” Nicole closes her eyes, a single tear escapes. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let that happen.” I say, painfully.
    I know Nicole will understand.
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  6. RandomationStudios RandomationStudios
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2013 11:34pm UTC
    Long Shot
    Chapter 29 - "That asks for some involvement"
    Caleb's P.O.V
    I step out of my car into the cold night air. I look through the window in front of the house that reveals Nicole, Carrie, and Brian sprawled on a rug on the living room floor, reading a book. They’ll soon know that I ruined their happy life together with a stupid mistake. Or maybe not, maybe I could leave, go somewhere, with Nicole and my kids. I wouldn’t get too far, though. Knowing Amber, she’ll do anything to get what she wants. I unlock the front door and step into the house which is warm and smells like freshly baked cookies. The sweet scent makes me sick to my stomach. I lean against the wall, holding back the tears.
    You might say I’m being melodramatic, but I’m not. I had a perfect life going for me, Nicole and I were going to get married, and Carrie and Brian would finally have a mother who actually cared. It would have been a win-win situation, we all would’ve been happy. “Baby, are you okay?” Nicole asks me, placing her hands on my shoulders. “I’m fine” I mumble. “Just tired.” Nicole smiles a bit at, thinking that nothing is really wrong. But as soon as I look into her eyes, the smile vanishes.
    She knows something is wrong.
    This story is almost over,
    a few more chapters left. Thank you for reading! We do notify!
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  7. _pinkypromise _pinkypromise
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2013 12:28am UTC
    I know it's crazy, and a long shot,
    but I'm trying to get him to fall for me again


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