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Longdistancelove Quotes

  1. anime_lover anime_lover
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2014 4:49pm UTC
    Together forever, never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.

  2. BrittneyBoo99 BrittneyBoo99
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2014 1:40am UTC
    If you love
    Someone more
    Then anything,
    Then distance
    Only matters
    To the mind,
    Not to the

  3. sammi19 sammi19
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2013 12:09am UTC
    Long Distance Love <3

  4. sammi19 sammi19
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2013 12:06am UTC
    Long Distance
    Never even thought about it this thing we share , never even knew this love can be real ,even tho we are apart you are the closest to my heart but I never even thought about it baby that’s for real all the things I share with you that’s only cuz I care for you I would do anything just to lay there with you with my arms around u that would be the best
    Baby you’re amazing yes I must confess not being able to see you face to face that’s just a test cuz love has no distance but I can care less cuz this love we share maybe far apart but it will only lead up to the day I met you ,we will share our first kiss that’s gonna be amazing cuz since the first day I knew it was something real it was out of the orthenary that you came and stole my heart .
    Baby your everything I could ever want your my best friend my soulmate and my heart living far away can be hard at first but knowing ima see u one day brings joy to my heart there nothing I wouldn’t do for you cuz I love you so dam much you don’t understand what you done to my heart.
    You light up my world with your smile , your voice makes me trumble , your body makes me weak , but your voice got me in deep , your lipz drive me crazy but all im asking for is what I desire that is your heart because thats what I love most about you everything about you is amazing like there nothing I would change.
    Yeah We maybe far away but baby that’s ok, cuz we will stay together no matter where we are our love is stronger than most can handle because we have a long distance relationship that’s gonna last forever cuz baby you’re the man I want to marry and I know that for sure there no one else that can bring my smile out when im down.
    We gonna have our ups and down and people might get in between but we gotta push those people out the way so we can go our way no matter the distacnce our heart will remain together no matter how many miles away .

  5. beastgirl5555 beastgirl5555
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2013 7:48pm UTC
    More than anything,


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