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Best Klistywild Quotes Ever

  1. cryingforhelp cryingforhelp
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2013 8:42pm UTC
    Hit and Run
    chapter 5
    "Dan!" I gasped as he started to make his way to me. That's Paige's stepdad. He was an amazing man. What will I tell Paige and Taylor? Or worse, their mom, Kylie?
    I quickly snapped out of it and shot all four zombies. This day can't get any worse. I checked in Paige's bathroom and closet. Even her entire wing (told you Dan was rich). But I just couldn't find her. I checked the entire house. I was just about to give up.
    "Hey, Wild? Do they have a basement?" Bryce yelled out.
    Of course. The basement. Why didn't I think of that? I ran down to the basement as fast as I could and entered the security code. As soon as the door opened I saw my best friend starting back at me. Alive.
    "Oh thank God!" I said as I threw my arms around her.
    "This is messed up, Klisty. Where's Dan?" She asked
    "He..." I said. I just can't finish the statement.
    "Did you have to finish him off?" Paige asked
    I nodded
    "Ok. Let's go find my everyone else." She replied, holding back her pain.
    We slowly crept into the backyard, careful not to make any noise. There were dozens of zombies around the pool.
    "Thanks for inviting me to your pool party, Paige." I joked.
    "Not now, Klisty." She shot back.
    As a zombie made his way towards us, Bryce shot it. The other zombies turned towards us, and without hesitation he shot them all. As he walked in front of us to the garage, Paige looked at his butt and smiled and gave me a thumbs up sign. I merely rolled my eyes and kept walking.
    We walked into the garage and looked inside the car.
    "There's 2 people in there." Said Bryce.
    He opened the door and Kylie let out an ear piercing scream and started yelling at Bryce until she saw Paige and I. She stepped out of the car along with Taylor.
    "Is Kelsey with you guys?" I asked. A look of fear flashed across Kylie's face.
    "I have no clue where she is" said Kylie.
    note: shît where's Kelsey? Lol. Comment for a reminder. Thank you soooooooo much to the few of you who read this series. Maybe I'll stick with this series and not give up and get lazy. I don't think I'm going to give up on this one. I like where it's going.


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