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Best Justlisten Quotes Ever

  1. MaggieHaha MaggieHaha
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 9:29pm UTC
    Listen to me.
    no artsy or depressing pictures.
    no distracting fonts. or colors.
    Just Read This.
    Somebody cares.
    And it will get easier.
    It may not seem like it, I know.
    But I promise that at LEAST one person cares.
    You deserve so much more than
    what they do to you
    Don't hurt yourself, don't beat yourself down, dont hold it in.
    Just let it out, and breathe
    Because the fact that you can breathe is pretty amazing.
    Don't give that up.
    Did you know that there is a rainbow after every storm.
    thanks to my friend....for these inspirational words.

  2. hopetrustbelieve01 hopetrustbelieve01
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2013 3:34pm UTC
    you’re not helping a depressed person by telling them to cheer up
    you’re not helping a self harmer by telling them to stop
    you’re not helping a person with eating disorder by telling them to eat
    you’re not helping a person with mental illness by telling them to just get over it
    you’re not helping by telling people what to do instead of trying to listen

  3. *compassionate soul* *compassionate soul*
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2013 8:41pm UTC
    Hey, you there, with the cuts and scars on your wrists, thighs, stomach, or other place. Please, stop. Please put down that knife, or razor and take a deep breath and get up and go for a walk, or fall into bed and drown out your thoughts with music, whatever you need to do, just please, don't cut. You're beautiful/handsome, loved, and cared about, please don't cut yourself.

  4. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 11:21pm UTC
    Selective Ears; Deaf Mind
    After a while the whispers stop
    And the explanations cease
    Not because the problem is gone
    Because no one is truly listening


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