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Best Intersectionalism Quotes Today

  1. sleepy sleepy
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2013 9:24pm UTC
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    The mainstream feminism that people often picture is often very, very, very......inclusive? And as I have become more comfortable in my skin as a woman of colour, I have realized that the mainstream feminism movement is one that I can't really align with.
    Many feminists that I have encountered focus on issues that can only offer liberation in a form that would only liberate them and women that look like them -- the same skin, the same gender, the same body type...
    If I were to even look through the quotes on Witty that were tagged under "feminism", excluding the occasional quotes that are against feminism, I would see quotes that were focused on (but are not limited to) accepting all cis, white body types.
    And, well, not all women are white. And the stigma that many women of colour face from racisgetting around the censorm added onto the stigma of misogyny is one that the mainstream feminism is not able to accomadate.
    Intersectionalism in the mainstream feminism movement falls short. In theory, there would be more conversation amongst deconstructing the structure which upholds the idea that all women are the same and white feminists would be able to use their privilege to persuade others that idea needs to be abolished while being able to fight for liberation of all women. And, I'm sure, many feminists that are aligned with the movement realize this. However when it comes down to it, many feminists still use the same rhetoric that focus on the same ideas that lack intersection. Intersectionalism is not reading a few quotes from bell hoooks and other women of colour and reiterating it, it is actually including women of colour, women of colour who don't fit into the gender binaries, women of colour who may not fit into the cisgendered portrait into the movement.
    Many feminists are still ragetting around the censorcist, transphobic, homophobic -- you name it. And (again, using Witty as an example) if I were to just go through the quotes on Witty, I would be able to find a few people that can grasp their mind around the fact that white women are still confined by the shackles of the patriarchy but can't do the same about the fact that women of colour that have to endure racigetting around the censorsm-fueled sexism.


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