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Hopelessness Quotes

  1. neverlandchild* neverlandchild*
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2014 12:58am UTC
    It was then that I realized the most miserable time to be awake is late at night. Some say mornings are the worst, but I beg to differ — it is at night that you feel the sinking despair of fleeting time and utter loneliness. There is you, and somewhere there is a world, but you feel a profound disconnect, as if you have been stranded on a desert island. It is a dreadful feeling of hopelessness, and in those few hours, it seems as if you have been eternally stripped of your happiness. And then, oddly, you wake up the next morning to life begun again.

  2. Vailkri Vailkri
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2013 12:36am UTC
    Waiting for
    My words to catch like Im trying
    To strike a match thats soaking wet
    See through skull
    See through skin
    Leave all the lights on I cant see out

  3. ThatLostGirl* ThatLostGirl*
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2013 6:24pm UTC
    Isn't it weird to think that every person you walk by has a past they may or may not be proud of, and a family they might be close to or far from, and a lover they're either with or apart from, and a name, and a personality, and they might be having the greatest day of their life or the worst day?
    We probably walk past hundreds of people a day and never once stop to think what they're going through, what their life may be like. We're all too focused on our own.

  4. Damien~* Damien~*
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2013 10:50am UTC
    I know, I might not seem your type.
    But here we are, can't you give it a try?
    If truth be told, I've been Lost most of my life...
    I'm the bird with the broken wing.
    All I'm looking for is Love...
    Aren't you looking for the same thing?
    I wouldn't hurt you...
    For I've been hurt before.
    Went to battle, but I lost that war.
    Now, I hope I ain't scaring you off...
    It's just, I don't want to get hurt no more.
    Knock knock,
    Can you let me in..?
    I've been standing awhile at this door.
    Only asking.
    Here I am, just wondering...
    Can you let me in..?
    It seems, if you can't hear me..
    So I'm ask again,
    Can you let me in..?
    Listen, Love doesn't ask,
    it just happens.
    Here we are,
    So what's happening?
    Can you let me in..?
    Its cold out here.
    I'm freezing.
    I'm stabbed and I'm bleeding...
    But I know you can start my healing.
    I'm feeling for you,
    I'm thinking of you...
    A wise man once told me,
    "That's how it starts.."
    Can you let me in..?
    Can't you hear me...?
    I said, your Heart.
    Knock knock,
    Can you let me in..?

  5. lovelusthatedisgust lovelusthatedisgust
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2013 2:31pm UTC
    Heyyy guys
    i havent posted in wayy too long
    but i kinda wanted to hear your opinion on this thing that happened to me just now
    so like a while ago i was really close with this girl and her boyfreind... i dont wanna post names so I'll call her T and her boyfriend A....T and i had a falling out so me and her aren't friends anymore though i really miss her
    but her boyfriend is a horrible person, im not being mean, if you met him you'd know what i meant
    so anyway me and T arent friends and my default neither are me and A
    so today in spanish class my teacher was talking about how he used to be a cheer leader
    and i said I'd never be one (just cuz its not my thing)
    and A and two of his friends started making fun of me saying stuff like your too ugly they wouldnt accept you anyway
    and your too fat if they tried to put u on the top of the pyramid the rest would be crushed ...
    and much more about my weight and appearence
    so I'm feeling pretty crappy right about now
    idk i just wanted some support
    thanks for reading
    i love you guyss

  6. xnevershoutshwilly xnevershoutshwilly
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 7:15pm UTC
    Self harm is serious. Five cuts or a hundred. Scratches or deep wounds. Barley visible or scars for life. The pain that a person feels when they take that blade to their skin is not determined by the seriousness of their scars. They're all killing pain with pain. Every cut tells a story, and behind every single one of them lays more pain then someone from the outside could ever begin to understand. The smallest scratch can hold hours of tears and hatred; the frustration and hopelessness can't be measured in blood. They will all see their reflection in the mirror and everyday be reminded of what they have done to themselves. They will all make excuses for wearing long sleeves or not going for a swim. They will all know both the reliefs and the regrets of this brutal addiction. Self harm is a disease of the mind, and the amount of scars on the outside does not show the amount of suffering on the inside.


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