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Best Homesweethome Quotes This Week

  1. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2013 4:19pm UTC
    I just wanna find a place where it feels like home

  2. Ineedmakyinme Ineedmakyinme
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2013 6:26pm UTC
    All A Mystery
    Chapter 32
    Graces POV
    I was straightening my hair trying not to laugh at the sleeping Sam on the floor, who rolled off the bed in the middle of the night.
    "Grace, I am not a doofus." He mumbled.
    Sam's eyes shot open as he spotted me laughing infront of my stand up mirror.
    "Whats so funny?" He asked rubbing his eyes and leaning against my bed, knees up to his chest, arms draped over them.
    "Oh nothing, doofus." I laughed even harder.
    "You heard that?" He turned shocked.
    "Indeed I did." I smiled.
    "Well in that case.." He replied, standing up and grabbing me playfully.
    "Watch it or you'll get burned." I screamed fighting against his grip.
    "Fine fine." He rose his hands in defeat, "Why are you dressing up like that for?" he asked tugging his shirt on.
    "House hunting." I replied casually.
    "House hunting for what?" His eyebrows rose. Sam wrapped his arms around my stomache lightly as I continued to work on my hair.
    "Well, this little one," I stated rubbing my belly lightly, "needs a room for themselve which my dad nor you have. So I thought an apartment would be nice for myself." I answered.
    "One with me?" He questioned.
    "Possibly, you leave in 2 days, I'd have to find someone to help move your crap into the place, providing I find one." I nudged him.
    Well hurry up and we'll go, Im sure your dad would love to tag along.
    "Alright, give me a minute.
    My dad happily agreed to help us search for a place of our own, suggesting we invest in a small home instead of an apartment. The marines would be supplying some money for living conditions as well as myself for job hunting.
    We all spent about 2 hours driving up and down roads until I saw an almost log cabin house, sitting back on the water.
    "Stop the car." I ordered.
    "What is it?" My dad asked.
    Without word, I climbed out of the car with Sam hot of my trail, walking up the driveway to see the house. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. It had a stone driveway that lead up to the dark wooded home with a side porch and back one from what I could tell. The home contained huge big bay windows all around the house with beautiful access to the ocean behind it, an amazing view included.
    "Hello miss, can I help you?" An elderly gentleman asked appearing from the house.
    "Im so sorry to intrude. I saw your home from the road, its beautiful." I smiled.
    "Why thank you. Been living here for quite some time with the Mrs's." He shook my hand.
    "A long time? This place looks brand new." I chuckled.
    "Well, we've dedicated alot of time to fix it up." He stated looking at its beauty.
    We stood in silence as Sam came to hold my hand, I leaning against him lightly, my dad joining behind us.
    "Mind me asking what brings you here?" The man asked.
    "House hunting, looking for a place of our own to call home." Sam smiled.
    "Im Gracelyn by the way, this is my dad behind me and my boyfriend, Sam." I leaned into him more.
    "Nice to meet you, Im Henry, my wifes inside shes Elizabeth, its nice to meet you all."
    "Sir, Henry, I don't mean to be rude, but would you ever sell your home?" My father asked.
    "That's not my decision, its the wifes." He winked at me.
    "I know that feeling." Sam poked me.
    "Come on in and have a cold drink, I'm sure she'll love to see you." Henry laughed.
    Henry led us up the stoned path to the porch and through the front wooden door into a small open living room where his wife was just past, in the very open kitchen cooking.
    "Elizabeth? This is Sam, Gracelyn and her father." Henry introduced us.
    "Hello everyone!" She smiled.
    "How are you ma'am?" I asked returning the smile.
    "Im doing fine. What brings you here?" She asked making conversation.
    "We were out house hunting, and I made Sam stop the car because I saw your house." I told her, "Its lovely."
    "Why thank you dear." She laughed giving everyone lemonade.
    "Why are you house hunting? If I may ask."
    "Well, I'm pregnant. Sam's the father and he's shipping out soon for the Marines. I was looking for a home to settle into while he was deployed." I amswered.
    "You serve for our country sir?" The lady asked with all seriousness to Sam.
    "Yes Ma'am. Been doing so for 2 years. Since I was 18." He answered.
    "Thank you for that." She replied.
    "My pleasure." Sam smiled.
    "Henry, what do you think about selling this place to them?" Elizabeth asked, " I mean it has 3 rooms, lots of space we don't even use. I'm sure they could make use for it. Besides, I know you've been wanting to by that brick house down the street a ways since its perfect for us old timers." She laughed.
    "You sure Liz?" He asked smiling at her.
    "Im positive."
    "No, We can't let you leave this place. I feel bad for even mentioning about it. I don't want to make you feel like you have to." I replied arguing against their choice.
    "darlin', we've been living here to long, its time for you guys to take it over, as long as you invite us over for dinner once in a while, and let us see the baby when he or she is born." Elizabeth bargained.
    "Sounds good to me. It's a deal." Sam smiled and kissed my forehead.
    "So how much are you willing to sell for?" My dad asked.
    "Take it." Henry and Elizabeth decided.
    "Excuse me?" My father asked.
    "This month is paid for, we'll switch everything over to your names, the house is already paid for, you just got to pay for the basics. Besides we are loaded anyways." Henry laughed.
    "Thank you so much." I replied smiling from ear to ear.
    "I'll call some of my buddies, they'll help you move out and get settled when your ready. Just give me a call before Monday." Sam mentioned.
    "Why monday?" Henry asked.
    "I'm being shipped out that day." Sam informed them.
    "Well drop them a call, we'll be out before the end of the month." Elizabeth smiled.
    "But thats only a few weeks." My dad stated.
    "Fine before then." Henry laughed.
    We chatted for a while longer before dinner came around and we said our goodbyes. It was crazy, just like that we had a house to soon call home, of course i'd be doing all the work in organzing everything.
    But it was worth it.
    Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/chapter_32/set?id=77154660

  3. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2013 6:53am UTC
    Home sweet computer

  4. lyricsparadise lyricsparadise
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2015 10:24am UTC
    You know I'm a dreamer
    But my heart's of gold
    I had to run away high
    So, I wouldn't come home low
    Just when things went right
    Doesn't mean they're always wrong
    Just take this song and you'll never feel
    Left all alone
    Take me to your heart
    Feel me in your bones
    Just one more night
    And I'm comin' off this
    Long and winding road


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