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Best Fromcrueltocool Quotes This Week

  1. mamma mamma
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 6:14am UTC
    From Cruel To Cool
    Spencer's P.O.V
    Hey, my name is Spencer. There's this guy at my school, and he is the reason of why I am broken. His name is Brandon, and he is super cruel, and doesn't care about anyone's feelings at all. But the worst thing is that it's me he hates in particular. I don't know what I ever did to upset him like this, because I haven't done anything to deserve this. He bullies, and he's with me in nearly every single class at school. I'm starting to dread going to this school, because all it's doing is causing drama and sitchy, unsolvable problems. But, I don't want to act immature by telling an adult, so I keep my mouth shut closed about this threatening guy. But even if I told someone, no one would be able to solve all my problems. They'd probably just say something like, "Oh, Spencer! Don't let a stupid boy let you down or upset you! What harm could he even do?" Like, how does it even solve my problems? They just tell me to be positive, but it's not working out. It's not that easy as you think, but they just don't understand.
    So, leave me a comment & tell me if I should continue!


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