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Best Felicity Quotes Today

  1. holah holah
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2015 8:58am UTC
    -Felicity Smoak

  2. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 8:32am UTC
    Torn Apart
    Chapter 15
    Felicity's POV
    My dear friend Felicity,
    I suppose you thought you were off the hook? I suppose you smiled in relief when you didn't get one of my letters, especially after Arielle did. But my dear friend, surely you know better than that. Surely you know that I, Kaylie Martinez, never let anyone off the hook.
    You were worse than Arielle. At least she had the decency to make fun of me, to make my life miserable in public, so everyone could see. At least, with her, people knew she was the bully. And she never denied it, either. You? You made up lies to cover up your tracks. You pointed at me when things went wrong. You ran away and hid when the plan didn't work. No one knew what you really did. No one but me. And who would believe me - the loser, Kaylie Martinez?
    You tried to cover your tracks, didn't you? You were mean to Arielle, you defended me, but only because you knew you were really the one who caused my death. You told everyone how horrible Arielle was, when all along it was really you.
    So now I ask you, my dear, was it worth it? Was a human life worth you being popular? Was everything you did worth it? Did you regret it, or did you shrug my suicide off, tell yourself it was needed?
    Nothing you do - no matter how horrible you are to Arielle, or how much you defend me - will make up for what you did. The only thing that will is if you tell everyone what you did. That's the only way you'll earn forgiveness.
    So what will it be, Felicity honey? What will you choose? I look forward to seeing your choice.
    Note: feedback? I do notify

  3. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 4:11am UTC
    Torn Apart
    Chapter 14
    Felicity's POV
    I strolled down the sidewalk, admiring my view in the windows of the stores on either side. Arielle hadn't hung out with us at the mall yesterday - oh wait, I must have forgotten to invite her - so I took the liberty of wearing everything she wanted, all the styles she'd pointed out, and at school, everyone noticed how great I looked.
    I had to admit, I did look pretty good in my Hollister strapless tank top, white shorts, and pink Toms. I'd gotten my hair done yesterday, too. It was a new me. Finally I realized I'd been trapped by Arielle all these years.
    "Oh! Felicity!" someone hurried up to me and almost bumped into me. It was Savanna, and she was panting.
    "Hello?" I asked.
    "I've been looking for you everywhere!" Savanna said dramatically, "Kaylie has a letter for you."
    "Me?" I repeated, "No, Sav, she doesn't. She's dead, and the only letters she has are to you and Arielle."
    "Don't call me Sav," Savanna said, "And she does have a letter to you, it was just hidden inside mine. I guess she was afraid someone would open it, and she knew she could trust me. It told me not to look into it. I haven't. Here."
    From inside her pocket, she pulled out a letter identical to the ones Savanna and Arielle had gotten.
    "Have fun reading it. I haven't read it yet," Savanna said, putting the letter in my hands.
    "...thanks," I said awkwardly, turning away and walking as casually as possible. The moment Savanna was out of sight, I took the letter and ripped it open.
    Felicity's outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=71124949#

  4. ecawesomeness ecawesomeness
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2013 11:42pm UTC
    Torn Apart
    Chapter 16
    Felicity's POV
    Oh, god, oh, god, no. This couldn't be happening. I took the note and ripped it up into a million pieces. Then I threw it on the ground and stomped on it. Finally, I watched the pieces float up into the air and fly away.
    "What are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice ask.
    "N - nothing," I stammered, turning around to see Arielle.
    Arielle raised her eyebrows. "Oh-kay...I believe you have something of mine...something I'd like back, please."
    I managed a laugh. "Give it up, freak. You're not getting Kaylie's letter back. I know you're guilty, sweetheart, but it's not going to help. You already killed Kaylie."
    "I didn't kill Kaylie," Arielle replied, "And I'm going to fix this. I'm going to be nice. I'm going to make other people's lives easier."
    I laughed again, this time for real. "Keep on dreaming, Arielle. Nothing you can do will help Kaylie. She was right, you know. Now you're going to be the outcast, the loser. Now you'll see the roles reversed."
    Arielle kind of stared at me. "What-"
    "And I'm going to make sure of that." I put my chin up in the air and sauntered away.
    Note: feedback? I do notify. this is a filler chapter, boring


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