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Best Fallenkingdom Quotes Ever

  1. XxTheStoryTellerxX XxTheStoryTellerxX
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 7:50pm UTC
    Fallen Kingdom
    "Wake up! There are troops everywhere!" I heard Demetria's voice over loud stomps of hundreds of soldiers. My eyes opened to see shadows marching arcoss the walls of the secret ally and I shoot up to my feet immediatey knocking the girl into the wall,"Ouch! Cool it!"
    "Hey! I think I heard something!" Shouted a man.
    "Over there!" Shouted another.
    I curse to myself and start climbing the walls. I hear the girl's voice behind me,"Hey wait up! Dont let them take me." I turn and pull her onto the roof and push her forward.
    "Why cant you just go with them?!" I asked furious. I leap onto another roof and she kept up.
    "Because I don't want to hear it from my dad. Where to now?" she asked breathing heavily.
    I stopped and felt for my thing's. I had my dagger, my leather pouch, the necklace...oh no, I say under my breath. "Bandit!" I start frantically sprinting back to my hiding place, now crawling with soldiers. I look back at the princess and mouth, Stay. Put. I look over the edge but cant see my mouse. Then i hear one hefty bearded guard chuckle,"Look its a little rodent!" In his hand was Bandit trembling,"We could feed this one to my serpant. Free food!"
    Anger rushed through me. I sat down criss crossed and searched through my pouch. I take out a reed pipe and a poisonous flower I had found in the woods before i came into town. I knew theyd be useful someday. I pull and thorn from the stem of the blue-violet flower and place in gingerly at the mouth of the reed. Then I puffed and it shot out the other end and precisly hit the neck of a guard next to the man with my mouse.
    Now what this potion does is actually quite amusing. The guard winces with the sharp pain at the back of his neck then suddenly his mouth began to foam. His eyes turned blood red and his skin became discolored. All the guards cleared out of the ally but some were too late. The rabid man charged and bit their necks, arms, and basically anything that he could get his teeth on. Then in a few seconds the guards that were bitten transformed into the same creature. The hefty guard huffs his way out of the ally with the mouse in hand. I grab my dagger and tackle him into the hay stack .
    This man smelled like horse butt and sweated like a stunned pig. He's eyes were trapped in my cold glare and I smiled,"Sir, you have my friend." I take Bandit and he trots back into my pocket. The man hadnt breathed once since I got him and his chubby, shapeless face was turning purple. I felt bad so I konked him in the head with the wolfhide handle of my dagger and he was out like a light.
    In the confusion of the rabid soldiers attacking people, I leaped out and without a sound jumped to the roof again. I start running back and Demi's face was priceless.
    "What was that?!" she asked in a panicked toned.
    I helped her up and pushed on, leaping from house to house. She followed now that she caught her breath and probaby has some adrenaline coarsing through her. Surprisingly with the speed I was sprinting at, she kept up pretty well. First the incredible intellect and now her athletic ability?
    "Hey!! Youre not answering me again!" she screamed out,"What was that?!"
    I slow down and she catches up and grabs my shoulder. I turn to face her,"They'll be fine. Most of them at least." I over hear gun shots and I think all the rabid men were killed,"See? totally okay."
    She gives me a stern look," How did you do that? What did you need so desperately that you had to go and cause huge confusion for?" I hop down and start walking along a familiar path I used to take before my arrest.,"Where are we going now?"
    I stick my hands in my trousers and whistle,"Daaamn you ask a lot of questions!" She catches up to me and walks beside me.
    "I ask a lot of questions because this in concerning me. Now answer them." she commands with a firm voice.
    "Well it wouldn't concerm you if you'd stop following me." I say sarcastically.
    She folds her arms,"Oh yeah. You want me to follow you."
    "What? Your crazy!" I retort.
    "Don't you think for one second I didn't notice you blushing when I layed my head on your lap!"
    My face got red hot,"I did NOT!" I shout back.
    "Oh yes you DID. Your skin may be dark but i can still see you blush." she argued as if she won.
    "Gods, why did I even get stuck with you!? You're so annoying!" I throw my arms in the air.
    "'Oooh why ohh why did I get stuck with a pretty princess?!' Is probably what youre thinking." she mimicks and laughs.
    I walk up to a tree and climb up onto the highest branch and sit there without a word.
    Demi puts her hands on her hips and looks up smiling,"Why are you up there?"
    "So you can leave." I shout back down,"Go away."
    "Oh stop being a child and get down from there!" she says in a motherly tone.
    "No. Leave. You are annoying me."
    "I'm going to come there if you dont come down." she warned. I throw an acorn at her and it hits and bounces off her head,"Ow! Youre not suppose to do that to a princess!" she starts to climb up and I keep throwing the acorns at her. When she gets the my branch I sit there taking up as much room as possible so she couldn't sit there. Instead she shrugs and sits on my lap.
    "Get..OFF.." I roar in frustration.
    "You're not the boss of me, peasant." she says folding her arms.
    I fold my arms and look away.
    She grins and pokes my nose,"Aw poor baby got mad. Now answer my questions. What did you need to retrieve that was so valuble?"
    I small smile appeared on my face and I went into my pocket. She came closer to get a better look.

  2. XxTheStoryTellerxX XxTheStoryTellerxX
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 11:56pm UTC
    Fallen Kingdom
    Just then a hand grabbed my jacket and pulled me into the air. As I tried not to scream, I was tugged all the way onto a thatch roof and into a little hole made from hay. I felt beathing as my head leaned skaking on the criminal's chest.
    "Stop shaking, girl!,"she whispered,"damn you'll bring this entire house down like that. Look, theyre gone."
    I turned my head and saw the guards talking about another murder committed by Seth Castellan. Then I turned back to him appauld,"Okay. One, why'd you attack me? Two, was that a joke about my weight?"
    He waved off my question and crawled out of the hay without a word.
    "Hey. Hey! Listen to me when I speak." I demmand.
    He looks back and grins,"I dont take orders, loud mouth. Come on." He jumped onto the next house.
    I followed,"Well you should because I am a very important person. And my name is Demi, for you're information."
    He scoffed,"More like for my amusement."
    "Oh shut it, criminal. You're lucky the guards didn't catch you."
    He stopped and I bumped into him. He turns and gives a crooked smile,"I think you're the lucky one, girl. Don't know why but you apparently needed my help." He turns and continues to jump from house to house.
    I kept following,"Hey my dad's a bit of a freak about my safety because of my importance. I hate it. Plus, I lost something and was trying to look for it. I must have dropped it somewhere around there."
    "Oh well, I guess." he comes to a stop at a trisection,"Where's your home, girl."
    I point straight ahead at the enormous castle ahead,"Mmmyeah, that would be it." The alarms had started to go off and the castle flooded with guards looking for me.
    Seth slowly turn to me with a face of terror,"Oh gods, please tell me you're a maid..."
    I shake my head,"I'm actually the princess and-"
    "No. Nonono. You're Princess Demetria?!" He interupted with a cracky nervous voice,"Well, now this, this is just fantastic! I'm so getting arrested now." He interupted, anger and fear in his voice, "You are wild! Who lets the Princess go out in the middle of the night?!"
    "Why do you even care?!" I shout back.
    "Because I don't want to get arrested for supposedly murdering the bloody Princess of Yvetal! You know why? Because I didn't murder the princess! I didnt muder anyone!" Seth threw his arms in the air and brought them to his face.
    "Then why were you arrested?" I asked.
    He looked at me with a pained and confused look," It was...complicated. Especially to you.Now. Get home. I'm not coming.."
    As he began to walk away I caught his robes and pulled him back," I cant go home at the moment as you can well enough tell."
    He looked at the castle and back to me," Well fine then." He started to walk away again,"Go home tomorrow. See ya, Princess."
    "Wait!" I shouted, running to catch up to him," You aren't just going to ditch me here, are you?"
    Seth shrugged,"i'm not ditching you considering," he quickly stopped and turn to me and I rammed into him again," You keep following me."
    "Am I bothering you?" I said as he started leaping from rooftop to rooftop with ease. I followed slowly and embarrassingly clumsy behind him,"Am I bothering you?" I asked sarcastically.
    "Yeeesss You aarree." he said in a mocking tone. He came to a stop and looked out at the streets.
    I watched his every move, waiting to see if he'll start running again. He was extremely tall and athletically built. He'd already grown a few thick hairrs on his chin and it looked as if he hadn't cut his hair for 6 months,"How old are you?"
    He turned with a weird, i guess "you've-gone-mad", face,"Why do you care?"
    I shrugged,"Because you're really tall and beefy."
    He started jumped down from the roof and helped me down as well then began walking at a pace I could keep up with,"Hmm..well, I don't know why you're staring at me but prison does that to people."
    I felt my face burn,"Can you please just grow up and answer the question? Gods."
    He pondered for a moment,"How long have I been locked up?"
    "About 6 years"
    He shrugged,"I dont know."
    "You dont know your own age?"
    He turned the corner into a hidden ally,"Well when you get arrested at a young age and sentenced to life in the dungeons plus a whipping every 6 days, age doesn't really matter."
    I thought for a moment and came to a conclusion,"Well you're about 20."
    He didnt look back until we reached this pile of hay at the back of the ally,"And how did you come to that conclusion?"
    "Well I was 12 when I heard you were arrested and you are 2 years older than me so that meant you were 14 years old. Add an addition 6 years and you are 20 years old since I'm 18. Plus what really mattered in prison?" I explain confidently.
    He smiled,"Impressive. And,"He stretched out and sat in the hay,"what mattered to me was the 3 options I faced everyday; 1) should I try to escape again. 2) Should I fight for my food everyday until I rot in the dungeons. and..."
    "And..?" I asked.
    "Whether I should just kill myself and end it. I kept choosing the first choice though. So that's good. I'm out, for now."
    I couldn't help but feel bad for Seth. But why? He was a criminal. Why am I trusting him? "Oh..Well I think it's good that you didn't kill yourself." I said as I sat on the paved ground.
    Seth stared at me with a confused but then waved it off,"Well, I'm going to sleep. If your majesty of inquiry wants, she can sleep in the hay. There might be enough room but you shouldnt trust me."
    I shrugged and walked over and layed down in the hay with my head on Seth's lap. I looked up at him and he had his arms behind his head and was watching the moon pass through what little we could see of the sky. For some reason, I knew he wouldn't hurt me.


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