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Best Copied Quotes This Month

  1. CuteeChickXoXo CuteeChickXoXo
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2013 2:56pm UTC
    Youh Don't Turn Your Back On Family. Even When They Do.

  2. The_Sky_Is_Falling* The_Sky_Is_Falling* happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2013 5:39pm UTC
    "Witty is a gif-less tumblr. Ugh copying."
    Funny because:
    Witty: Made 2004.
    Tumblr: Made 2007.
    & witty actually used to have gifs
    So, tell me again how
    witty copied the concept of tumblr?

  3. Adlisa138 Adlisa138
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2013 3:41pm UTC
    I'm Sorry I've Changed But You've Changed to...

  4. Crazy girl* Crazy girl*
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2014 1:49pm UTC
    So I posted a fathers day tweet on twiter and this girl literally just copied and pasted it to her account! Like go on an use your brain stop stealing my tweets or ideas?!

  5. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2013 12:55am UTC
    30 day challenge
    1. 15 facts about you
    2. Initials of the person you love
    3. Your closest friends
    4. The thing you most fear
    5. The saddest moment in your life
    6. Favorite sport
    7. Favorite song
    8. Your deepest secret
    9. First impression of the guy you like now
    10. Last time you cried
    11. Thing closest to your heart
    12. When you hear this song you cry
    13. Place you wanna visit badly
    14. Favorite book
    15. Favorite animal
    16. Favorite show
    17. Last time someone hurt you
    18. The story behind your life
    19. Person who scares you the most
    20. Last major injury
    21. Favorite youtube video
    22. Phone type
    23. Biggest confession
    24. Last break up
    25. Last heart break
    26. The day you regret the most
    27. First friend
    28. Favorite drink
    29. A letter to someone in your family
    30. A letter to a friend
    1: My favorite color is red.
    2: I'm only 5'0 tall. :(
    3: I have a boyfriend... ^.^
    4: I'm in high school! :O
    5: I'm obsessed with music..
    6: I for sure have issues trusting people.
    7: I love chocolate, but not that cheap shít.
    8: On the outside I'm one of the most out going people you'll meet but on the inside I judge myself more than anyone ever has.
    9: I'm a cat person, but I'm not a cat lady...Give it about 60 years and we'll see...
    10: I have a small button nose. /.\
    11: Halloween is my favorite holiday, I wish I could dress in costume every day and not be judged.
    12: I drink more than I eat...I'm almost always thirsty....
    13: I like 'gaming' I have a GaiaOnline account...Here it is: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/_adorable_hallucinogenic_/35464371/
    14: I have braces.
    15: I have a BMO backpack that I absolutely adore.

  6. Hamida* Hamida*
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2013 4:08am UTC
    The Girl Quiz
    answer 'em!
    Do you sleep in your bra? Um..no o.o i dont really like wearing it o.o its weird..
    Like noodles? Um yesh
    Enjoy drama? OMG! YES!
    Girly-Girl? When I wannabe o.o
    Small or larger purse? Um sma;;
    Short? Tall for my age...i guess
    Like someone? I LIKE FRIEND O.O
    Care if socks dirty? My mom does..especcialy when we r going somewhere..moms these days .-.
    Like halloween? I guess so.
    Wierdest place u slept? Um in my mom's bed...
    Smacked in butt? O.O No... o.o
    Rumor about you? :o noooo
    Call anyone by there last name? no o.o
    Girls be Honest:
    Color bra your wearing? Pink and one is white....
    Light or dark hair in guys? ligggggghttt
    Besfriend? I guess My cousin Taymeeya
    Like someone? i aready said yeshroo
    Like your life? o,i
    Jumped in a pool with clothes on? Haha, no o.o
    Girl or boy friends more? um girl
    How long u have a facebook? I dont have one.
    Cried youself to sleep? omg yes o.o
    Ever not able to get someone out of your head? ys
    Missing someone? ... Olivia's weirdness o.o
    Who u texting right now? Noiooooo i dont do that txting thing...mmm
    This guy or that guy? That guy.o
    Cowboy or gangster Idk
    Face or body? Face.
    Sweet or s e x y? sweet o.o
    Contacts or glasses? glasses
    Eye liner or mascara? eye liner
    Pink or black? pink
    skirt or pants? pants (SKINNEY JEANS)
    Socks or leggings? leggings
    hoodie or jacket? jacket
    ipod or cell phone? ipod
    family or friends? I'd rather die.
    In a Boy
    funny or serious?
    I like serious.
    dark or light eyes?
    long or short hair?
    hockey or football player?


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