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Best Conorspov Quotes Ever

  1. Ireland201 Ireland201
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 7:19am UTC
    If you could see me now
    chapter 5
    Conor's POV
    "Evan wanted a horse," she whispered, stroking Teddy's neck.
    "A friend of mine," she hummed, smiling slightly.
    I never forgot that name, or the way she smiled when she said it. It was as if it were some inside joke that I wasn't part of. Or as if there were good and bad memories associated with that name. Her eyes lit up, but there was something more behind them. Something I didn't understand.
    "So, would you like lessons?" I asked, snapping her out of her daze.
    She bit her lip. "I don't know... You're lucky I'm standing this close to a horse, you want me to get on one?"
    "Go on. For the bant," I said, grinning.
    "Oh, sure. If I fall off and break my neck, you can tell the doctor "Oh, it was just for the bant,"" she said sarcastically. "What does that even mean?"
    "For the fun of it. Do it just so you can say you did. That kind of thing," I explained. "Live on the edge."
    She rolled her eyes. "Not today."
    "Can we live on the edge tomorrow?" I asked, smiling still.
    "No. Not for a while."
    It had started to rain and it was getting heavier and heavier. It pounded off the roof of the shed. I could barely hear Jodie speaking.
    "So, will I get to meet this Evan?" I asked.
    "Maybe someday. If you keep annoying me it will be sooner than you would hope," she said, the same menacing smile on her face. I still didn't understand what was behind the happiness in her eyes.
    "What are you talking about?"
    She shook her head and grinned, although it didn't reach her eyes. "It's a secret."
    "I'm a good secret keeper," I told her.
    "I don't care."
    There was a silence then, as I debated whether or not to say the next thing.
    "Are you okay?" she asked, obviouslt seeing my internal debate.
    "Um, yeah. I was just wondering if...well...is Evan, like, your...boyfriend?" I asked, feeling idiotic.
    There was a fraction of a second of silence and then her face crumpled in what could only have been agony. She sank down to the ground, burying her face in her hands. I could clearly hear her crying, even over the pouring rain and the slight thunder that had started. I stood frozen, not knowing what to do.
    She sighed, wiping away tears, looking up at me. "No, Conor, he's not."
    "Oh," was all I could manage.
    "He was, but not anymore," she muttered.
    I knelt down beside her. She looked down at her hands, at a ring on her finger that I hadn't noticed she was wearing.
    "Did you break up?" I asked, trying to sound sympathetic.
    She hesitated. "I guess you could call it that."
    For some reason, I knew she wasn't telling me half of the story. But I wouldn't upset her anymore than I already had. I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her face in my chest, still crying.
    "You're not half bad," she said when she had cried herself out.
    "Not so bad yourself, Jodie," I told her, grinning.
    She changed position so that my arms were still around her, but we were looking into each other's eyes.
    I wanted to hug her, and kiss her, and tell her she was fine. That she deserved better than Evan.
    "Thank you," she whispered. "So much."
    "Any time." I leaned my face in closer to hers. She stared up at me, an unreadable expression in her eyes.
    She flinched suddenly, making me jump. "Maybe we should go inside."
    I coughed awkwardly. "Yeah. Good idea."
    Author's Note:
    Yeah, yeah. I know. The romance chiz will start soon, so don't worry.
    Feedback? Follow for a follow. Thanks! ~Mary :)


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