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Best Colleens Quotes This Week

  1. Christina* Christina*
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2013 1:55pm UTC
    Just your average day in Nashville
    Part 1
    Dedicated to: Cecaldwell18
    I stared at the big black horse coming my way. The closer it came, the bigger it appeared, soon its dust began to invade my air and cloud the blue sky. Now it was orange and brown. I saw things move. I heard things speak. But, I couldn't feel a thing. My voice was there, but my brain refused to let me speak.
    "Colleen, Colleen you alright?!"
    "Colleen! sweetie!"
    "What happened?"
    "This is your fault Jake,"
    "This is all your fault."
    That is what would have happened, if I went on that horse riding back trip. I would've fell, and it would've been his fault. But did I go? No, I didn't. But, now laying on his bed. I wish I went, I wish I went 200 miles. I wished I would've been lost in the desert with nothing to drink. I wished I would've been eaten by the snakes. But, did I go? No. I stayed here with him, on his bed wishing I never came here. It all began on May16, 2015.
    "Colleen pack your bags." I heard my dad say
    "Why?" I asked in fear and excitment
    "You're going to Nashville this summer." He answered
    That was it. That was the decision that changed my life. If my dad kenw what would happen if I went, he would never let me go. He would lock me up in my room until I was 21. But you see, the thing is, my dad didn't know what would happen. So he let me go.
    "You got everything sweetie?" He asked
    "Yeah I got all my carry-ons." I answered. I gave him a pleading look.
    "Don't worry Colleen, you'll be fine. Your ant Clara will take good care of you." He assured with a hug.
    I let go of him and began walking towards my gate.
    "See you in a few kiddo."
    That was the last sentence I heard from my dad this summer. Since then I hadn't spoken to him. It's not that I didn't have the desire. I just didn't have the time. I hopped from house to house, barn to barn, party to party. Everyday I was with family and their friends. I would wake up at the sound of my ant's rosters and sleep at the sound of crickets. They were all lovely. But, there was a certain friend that caught my atiention and not just mine. But every girls in the city. Jacob Wilson. The most dangerous, hated, but yet admired guy in the city. Half of the girls wanted to be his, the other half lied. All of the guys were his friend. Except my brother, that is. John Benson. My brother was the second guy after Jake. He was known for being the nicest and smartest guy. John and Jacob used to be best friends. Until the fateful day of Marilyn's arival. The girl they both fell in love with. Marilyn ended up choosing my brother John. They got married and were happy. Jake was heart broken and never spoke to my brother or our family for that matter. That is until I came along.


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