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Best Colleen Quotes This Month

  1. Christina* Christina*
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2013 6:06pm UTC
    Just your average day in Nashville
    Part 3
    Dedicated to: Cecaldwell18
    "What's wrong with my truck?" He asked
    "It stinks, it breaks down every ten minutes..." I started
    "Hey now don't you talk about Debby." He said as we walked to his truck.
    It was 1988 red Chevy truck. My mom and dad had gaven it to him on his graduation for highschool. It was pretty good back in the day, but now it was 2016. Time to move on, but apparently not for my uncle. The ride was pretty fun. Sierra pointed around the nieghbor hoods showing me everything. As soon as we got home I hit the shower. My dad and I lived in Colorado. So it was a lengthy trip. I wanted to sleep, but Ant Clara made me swear I wouldn't sleep till I ate something. Plus my brother John was still at work and he wanted to see me. John was nineteen this year his newly wed wife Marilyn was 22. I always judged John for marrying so early. Especially to a woman who was four years older than him. I'll admit Marilyn was beautiful but she wasn't the brightest. I don't understand what any man would see in her besides her looks. I was playing a game of gold fish with Sierra when John came home.
    "Hey ant Clara, where is she?" I heard him ask
    "Over here!" Sierra screamed as she ran up to him.
    John hugged Sierra then turned to me.
    "Hey you don't look like a girl anymore!" I teased
    "And you don't look like a 12 year old boy anymore." He said as he messed up my hair and gave me a bone crushing hug.
    "Gee thanks." I said
    He let go of me and scanned me from head to toe.
    "Well, man this stinks." He said as he eyed me from head to toe.
    "What's the matter?" ant Clara asked
    "You know how hard I'll have to work to keep the boys off of her. I mean look at her, and she's new in town. Oh my goodness, I'm going to die." He complained. I rolled my eyes.
    "Well, you don't have to work today because I need to sleep." I said. I gave everyone a big hug and went straight to bed. For the next few days things were calm. I mostly stayed home and played with Sierra. One day Sierra decided to give me a tour of the barn.

  2. Christina* Christina*
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2013 3:56pm UTC
    Just your average day in Nashville
    Part 2
    Dedicated to: Cecaldwell18
    I didn't meant to cause a scene or stir up drama. It just happened. I saw him and I knew. Something would change, in fact it already had. Last year around this time John and Jacob only had one thing to argue about, Marilyn. Now, they had something else, me.
    "Mommy, when is Colleen going to be here, I wanna go home."
    "She'll be here in soon honey."
    "Yup she should come up that escalator any second now."
    I was at the bottom of the escalator, but I could already hear their voices. It was my ant Clara, her daughter Sierra and my uncle Martin. As soon as I appeard on the top of the escalator I saw their happy grins.
    "Colleen!" They all yelled
    I smiled and walked towards them. My neice Sierra was holding a 'Welcome' sign. I could tell from the sloppy handwriting that she made it herself.
    "Sierra!" I yelled as I carried her. She wrapped her small legs around my back and held tightly on to my neck.
    "I missed you." She said
    "I missed you to kiddo." I replied.
    It had been awhile since I'd seen her. Around two years to be more specific. Before that, me and my dad used to hit up Nashiville every summer. That is until he found a new job. Everything became complicated and nothing was the same. I kissed Sierra's cheeks until she got annoyed, then I set her gently on the ground. My ant was next.
    "Colleen sweetie, you look so beautiful." She gasped as she embraced me
    "Yeah right." I laughed
    "Oh stop it, you know you do." She teased.
    I looked at my uncle who was wearing his cowboy hat and the big brown belt buckle my dad gave him for his birthday back in 2003.
    "Come here kiddo." He smiled
    I walked into his open arms and held on tightly. I really missed him.
    "Uncle Mart, you stink." I laughed
    "Sorry sweet heart, I was working at the farm all day. I don't just sit on my butt pressing little buttons like your dad." He teased
    "I guess some things never change huh?" I asked eyeing his clothes.
    "If you think his clothes are bad, wait till you see his car." Ant Clara said
    "Don't tell me you still drive that truck." I begged
    "What's wrong with my truck?" He asked


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