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Best Chapter67 Quotes Ever

  1. Christina* Christina*
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2014 2:01pm UTC
    I fell in Love With Mickey Mouse
    Chapter # 67
    The Final Night
    "We'll figure something out alright?" He smiled at her and Spencer rested her head on his shoulder.
    After everything was decided, Tony and Spencer went back to spend their final night together. Roger went out to enjoy his final night of partying. I stayed with Michael. I sat on the bed and stared at the lamp next to my bed.
    "What are you thinking about?" Michael asked
    "I cannot really think right now." I said
    "You should sleep." He suggested
    "I don't really want to." I replied
    "Hey Ella, do you think I could take a quick shower?" He asked
    "I guess you could." I said
    "I usually shower around this time. So, I feel really bad if I skip." Michael laughed
    "I understand." I smiled
    After showing him the handles and giving him the towel. I went straight to bed. My pillow had caught Michaels scent. I inhaled it and cuddled up in the blanket. It was around 4 am now. But, it was still pitch black outside. My thoughts had drifted far from me. They drifted towards the shower where Michael's bare body was being carresed by the steamy hot water. I could nearly see his wet shiny hair, boiling water dripping down his face gliding into his mouth. I could nearly feel my fingers running through his sily messy blonde hair. I bit my lips and stared at the door. I wondered what would happen if I went inside. I got up and slowly walked towards the door. I held the handle and without twisting it, I pressed my face on the door. I heard the water drip down and steadily hit the floor. I couldn't, I couldn't do this. My body was encouraging me, but, my brain was telling me to walk away. I walked away, but could I stay away? I sat on my bed and considered all the good and bad things that would happen if I walked in there. As I thought about the good things, I felt my body get out of control. I couldn't sit here and wait, but I also couldn't go in there. The shower shut off. I heard it. My heart pounced. He could walk out any minute now. I got up and looked at my self in the mirror. I would force him. I would force him, to please me. Like he said, a man could only take so much forcing. Realizing that I looked very casual, I dug through Spencer's clothes. I had to find something exciting here. I found a black underwear with a neon pink thin lace covering the surface. There wasn't a matching bra. Instead there was a neon pink lace tank top. I put that on top of my black bra. The only thing out of order now, was my hair and sking. I untied my hair and bent down and did a couple of hair flips. My hair was in loose waves. I found a Victoria secret perfume scented oil. This was perfect. I smothered it all over my legs and shoulders and every where else. My skin was glowing and I smelled amazing. I looked at the bathroom door. It was still shut. I quickly threw my old clothes in Spencer's bag and nearly ran to bed. I laid down with my back facing the bathroom door. My face was burried in my pillow. I had to pretend that I fell asleep. I put my leg over the blanket allowing my legs to be exposed.
    The bait is set, now we wait for the fish.


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