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Best Chapter38 Quotes This Month

  1. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 7:37pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 38
    Morgan changed into her reception dress, and I changed back into my bridesmaid dress just after the ceremony. We sat in the hotel room together.
    “I can’t believe you knew about this.”
    “Well believe it, sistah.”
    I rolled my eyes. “And you never told me. Or let me pick my dress, or plan anything.”
    “You liked the dress, didn’t you?”
    I grinned, thinking of it. “Of course I did.”
    She twisted her lips into a snarled smile. “See?”
    I laughed shortly, sitting back on the bed. “This is so weird! I can’t believe I’m married.”
    She chuckled at me. “Cross 18 off your bucket list.”
    My eyes met hers. They were flooded with happiness. “Thank you,” I murmured.
    Her smile brightened. “No problem, kiddo.”
    “No, I mean it,” I insisted. “Thank you so much. For everything. For being there, for being a mom. I needed that. I needed someone to be there for me and to do these things. And I know I don’t tell you this all the time, but I love you, Morgan. Thank you.”
    Her eyes were suddenly overwhelmed with tears. She seemed slightly awestruck. “Aw, Kail, of course. I love you too, and I want the best for you. I want you to be happy.”
    “I am happy,” I assured her. “Thank you.”
    She giggled shortly, wiping her eyes. “Oh, come here!” she told me, and pulled me into a hug. She consumed me, squeezing me tightly. Tears spilled from my eyes into her auburn curls.
    She stepped away and wiped my eyes. “Come on, now, it’s time to rejoin the party.”
    So we walked out together, hand in hand, but then separated when we met our husbands. Husband. Anthony was my husband.
    We watched as Aidan and Morgan danced around the ballroom, partying and drinking and enjoying themselves. Anthony and I shared laughs and congratulations, and apparently I was the only one at the wedding that wasn’t aware that I was getting married. Even Ben and his wife knew.
    There were many of Anthony’s friends from back home arriving now, including Alex and his girlfriend.
    “When we get home, you should pack,” Anthony murmured into my ear.
    “Pack for what?”
    He chuckled. “Our honeymoon.”
    I looked back to him, wide-eyed and in shock. “Honeymoon? We’re not going on a honeymoon.”
    “Yeah we are, with Morgan and Aidan.”
    “Where?” I breathed.
    “San Salvador. We’re each getting our own beach houses. It was funded by an uncle of mine; he owns a house down there.”
    My jaw dropped, in utter shock. There was a lot going on in my head at that point.
    “I can’t believe you never told me,” I muttered at him.
    “Hey,” he purred, pulling me closer to him. “I love surprises, remember?”
    Eventually, it was time for the first dance. Anthony and I made our way to the center of the floor, Morgan and Aidan by our side. And the song ‘At Last’ came on, lowly at first. My breath caught in my throat. “You remembered?” I murmured, and he smiled in return.
    Anthony pulled me closer to him while Morgan and Aidan whirled around us. We only stood in the middle, his head on my shoulder. And in his arms, I had purpose. I wasn’t worthless anymore. He filled the vacancy in my chest with an infinite love.
    He completed me.
    Sorry this is so boring meh.
    By the way, their honeymoon is my most favorite part of the story (: I can't wait to post it!
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*


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