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Badgrammar Quotes

  1. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 9:28pm UTC
    And it's time for... story time with Haylee! A place where I tell you a story that no one cares about, at all, with terrible grammar and terrible spelling because I just don't care!
    Alright! And here we goooooo
    So today I had a soccer game. My team played a fellow rec team (represent us losers who refuse to play for our schools) and they didn't have enough players so we had to combine teams. Well it was like me about 5 people from my team and 3 from the other team. Well halfway through the game some fücktard decided to fake injury (how do I know it was fake? She collapsed on the ground holding her leg when no one was around her, then ran off the feild without help) so I, who was out at the time, had to go in for her, so I did.
    I got tackled.
    By three guys.
    I'm like 130 lbs at most.
    They're bigger than me.
    I got hurt.
    I have a bruise the size of a fúcking tennis ball on my inner left knee.
    It hurts.

  2. 24601* 24601*
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 2:34am UTC
    Two years ago, i didnt know my best friend.
    I thought she was a stupid rude blonde.
    But now i know her more than anything, i learned she likes japan.
    And her big brother died last summer.
    I learned her little sister will hug you so tight you might die,
    and a bunch of other stuff im to tired to type.
    dont b judging with stereotypes.
    Every person has a story, if you dont understand it, fine.
    but they are a person.

  3. maddieee* maddieee*
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2013 11:23pm UTC
    Am I the only one who goes to favorite a quote, then realizes it has bad grammar, so doesn't favorite it?


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