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Best Ayyyye Quotes This Month

  1. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2014 7:58pm UTC
    My first week of California went came and went. It all consisted of shopping with my step mom while my dad worked the whole time. Today though was the day I was dreading, the first day of my new school. Moving in the middle of junior year was the worse thing to ever imagine, and it was happening to me. I woke up in the morning with dry, blood shot eyes from crying so much. "Bree. I made you breakfast sweetie." My step mom, Adrina, said walking into my room. I smiled at her, "Thanks." I said as she left the room.
    I was soon up and ready to go, after deciding what to wear. I wasn't sure how the kids dressed here. I decided on a black and white, aztec crop top with tight, leather, high waisted black shorts and all black converse. It showed off my toned stomach and fit legs, with out showing off to much. I straightened my hair and it touched the small of my back. I applied my makeup and went downstairs to eat breakfast. My Adrina smiled at me as I sat down. "Do you want us to sign you up for gymnastics? Your new school has a great team and try outs are in a few weeks!" She said with a bright smile.
    I took a bite out of my bacon and smiled, "Yeah. That sounds great!" I said with an ecsatic tone.
    She smiled, "Do you want lunch money or do you want me to pack your lunch?"
    "Whichever you want." I said.
    "How does string cheese, doritos, an apple, and a ham and cheese sound?" She asked.
    I smiled, "Perfect!" Fortuntely, I loved my step mom already.
    She smiled and handed me my brown bag, "Have a great day." She said. I picked up my backpack and put my lunch in it and a water bottle, grabbed my keys and drove off to school.
    The directions Adrina gave me were simple to follow. 10 minutes later I was turning into Valley High School. I grabbed everything I needed and put it into my backpack, turned off my car then I was off. I got a few curious stares. It was an average school, not too big, not to small. Each class had around 500 kids and the classes ranged from 20-35 students. But, when a new face was seen on campus, everyone starred. The main office was right by the student lot, I went in and talked to the office lady. She handed me my schedule, a map, and wished me a good first day.
    I walked into the school and looked for my classes. I got a few curious glances, some smiles, and a few dirty looks. It was nice to see almost every girl was dressed similar to me. Some wearing less clothes, others wearing more. I found the gym since my first class was weight training. I walked into the class and saw a sausage fest. Was I in the wrong class?
    I know my starts are always boring!! SORRY THE FORMATTING MESSED UP!! AYEEEEE. DOING NOTIFICATIONS FROM THIS CHAPTER ON TRIGGGGGAS Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_154/set?id=111010501

  2. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2014 10:19am UTC
    Chapter 5
    The night was only starting. People started barbequing, girls started swimming, and everybody was having fun. I became friends with a girl named Alicia, who could of been my twin. We were both short, she was an inch taller than me, and we were both blonde with blue eyes and a rocking body. She had the idea of going water skiing. I agreed even though I could barely walk straight. We both stumbled towards the boat, holding each other for support. "Maybe we should go tubing, it's a lot less dangerous." One of the boys we were with suggested.
    "NOOOOOO." Me and Alicia said. Jeff started up the boat as the guys set up the water skiis.
    "Are you sure you guys want to do this?" Jeff asked.
    "It'll be fun! Don't worry." I said. A few minutes later both skiis were set up. Alicia and I each grabbed one as the boat sped away. Then, Jeff turned too fast to avoid hitting another boat, I lost my balance and fell over, hitting my arm on something. Everything happened fast because then I heard somebody screaming my name. A few moments later, Jeff had his arms around me and was helping me towards the boat. The two other boys on the ship grabbed me and pulled me up, I saw red oozing from my arm. I looked up and saw Alicia grabbing a towel. I didn't even see her get back on the boat.Jeff quickly turned the boat back on and sped towards the shower. Alicia stood by me and held the towel around my arm. It was the worse pain I had felt in a while. Once we got to shower someone grabbed a first aid kid and wrapped my arm up. It was quick and painless.
    "Maybe I should take you home Bree." Jeff said.
    "You don't have to ruin your night for me." I said.
    He shrugged, "You're not. Don't worry. Besides, you're slurring your words. It's time for you to call it a night." He gave me a small smile. I nodded and grabbed my keys and walked towards my car. Jeff grabbed my arm, "You're not f/ucking driving yourself home." He said. "You're f/cking drunk."
    I looked up at him as he grabbed my keys and dragged me towards my car, "How are you gonna get home?" I asked.
    He shrugged, "I'll figure it out. I'll have somebody drive my car back to me." He opened up the passenger door for me and then walked around towards the drivers seat.
    "How do you know where I lived?" I asked as he pulled into my drive way.
    He laughed, "I'm your next door neighboor."
    "O." I said. A few minutes later Jeff was helping me up the stairs. I walked him into my room, "Stay until I finish getting ready?" I asked.
    He shrugged, "Yeah sure. I guess."
    I walked into my bathroom and quickly showered and then put on a sports bra with black, baggy shorts. When I left the room, Jeff was on the phone, "Yeah bro. Just drive my car back whenever." He said, "She's back now. Bye." He smiled at me as I walked towards him.
    "Soooo." He said, "I guess I'll get going now."
    "No. Why would you? Spend the night!" I said, feeling the alcohol making me flirty.
    He smiled, "Okay but I don't sleep on the floor." He said.
    "Sleep next to me in bed." I winked at him. "Want me to get you something to wear?"
    He laughed, "Okay yeah get me yoga pants and a sports bra." He took his shirt off and slipped off his pants, only to be left in boxers. He smiled at me, "Don't stare to long." He winked.
    "I wasn't staring." I said turning red.
    "Sure." He winked again. I pulled up my covers and got into bed. He got in right next to me.
    "Do you do this with every guy you meet?" He asked.
    I turned and faced him, "No. You're just special."
    "Oh. Thanks. I know I am. So, why did you move here?" He asked.
    "I got into trouble back in Michigan. My dad found out and thought it was better if I came and lived with him." I said.
    "Oooo, rebel. What did you get in trouble for?"
    "Alcohol." I said.
    I heard him swallow, "You didn't drive did you?" He asked.
    "Noooo. I just had it on me and was drinking it. The cops went easy when they busted me the first two times, but the third time I got arrested. Then I got sent away."
    "Do you miss Michigan?" He asked.
    "Yes. I miss all the sports teams I played on and my friends and my mom."
    "Did you have a boyfriend?"
    "No." I said.
    He nodded, "Our school has second semester sports try outs going on in two weeks. You should go for it."
    I shrugged, "I don't know. It'll be awkward."
    "No. It won't be. Come be a cheerleader and you can cheer me on at all my games." He winked at me again.
    I turned my back and gave him the silent treatment. A few moments later I felt his arms at my hips and his lips at my ear, "I was kidding. But you should try out. You'd love it." I turned my head so I was face to face with him.
    "I'll think about it." I said. He smiled at me. "So, what sports do you play?" I asked.
    "Football, hockey, and soccer. I used to play basketball but when my sister died, I stopped playing. That was our favorite sport to play together."
    "I'm so sorry. How did she die?" I asked.
    I saw him stiffen up, "A drunk driver hit her one day while she was playing basketball. She was only 9."
    I leaned over and kissed him on his cheek, "It's okay. She's in a better place now."
    His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me towards him, "I know. It still hurts every day." After that moment, we talked for hours and hours, we both fell asleep around 4 A.M with his arms still wrapped around my waist.


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