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Best Abottle Quotes This Week

  1. help_me_im_drowning help_me_im_drowning
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2013 8:40pm UTC
    My day in a bottle:
    When I wake, my eyes are sleepy just like every other millionth person waking up in the morning. But as if it is as painful to get dressed in the moring as it was to fall asleep the night before. I'm tired. As I walk to take a shower I look in the mirror. Worthless it screams. Maybe everyone around says I'm beautiful, my heart tells me different. The shower is where I think. The if's and why's of life. What did I ever do to deserve this? My day drags on with the soles of my shoes slowly sliding across the ground. Lifeless inside, bubbly and outgoing on the outside. Maybe I smile, but if you looked in my pale blue eyes you'd see the pain. The pain of a thousand heartbreaks. The pain of ever loving someone and never learning to let them go. If only the pain could go away, and if I could rip my heart out maybe it would just stop. Sometime I just stop and think, and stare in space for awhile. Others go in "la-la land", meanwhile I'm in hell. My mind is slowly ripping me piece by piece. As it tears open my wounded body internaly and I start to break down and cry. Why, why, why. Why me? Maybe if I sleep it will just go away. But what does it matter, it will just be there when I wake up. Haunting me, sitting in the corner. Or that spot on the wall. Taunting me. Mocking me. Telling me things I don't want to hear. The faint cries for help that know one seems to notice. The messed up mind from a once little girl who was known to make funny noices with her voice. The girl that can make others laugh but seems to make herself go crazy. But when I go to sleep at night. My reality turns into my night terrors. Waking up crying, as if the pain never ends. I soon fall back asleep, clinging to a blanket only wishing it was someone to tell me I'm okay. I'll be okay. But instead, I just wake, and my eyes are just sleepy like every other millionth person waking up in the morning.- k.d


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