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Best 26angels Quotes This Year

  1. DeathlyHallows DeathlyHallows
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2013 11:03am UTC
    A year ago today, we lost 26 angels. I still remember sitting in a lockdown for four hours, not knowing what was happening. The school turned off the wifi, so nobody could find out about anything. All we were told was that there was a shooting in Newtown. At the moment, we didn't know where it was or who started it, so we sat in silence. One girl was texting her sister in the high school at the time-I was in 8th grade. We found out at least 20 people were dead, but we didn't know who. While my teacher sobbed, we sat there without trying to show any emotions. Our doors were locked, the police officers came to the school and patrolled the area. We still didn't know what was going on, but one teacher in 8th grade left the school because somehow her daughter was involved. We ever we had to go bathroom, police officers had to escort us. We didn't have any food for about four hours, too. We just sat and waited, until it came about time to go home. One teacher was hysterically crying to us to just get home safe. She hugged everyone single one of her students, including me. When we sat through a whole bus, everyone was quiet still. But when I got home, my parents just sat me down and had me watch the news. I sat in front of the tv, watching al the live coverage. You may say it was a year ago and to get over it, but when I live 20 minutes from the place that was hurt, I just can't. I think about it every day. I have nightmares every night. It's not something you just forget. You can forget the lives of 26 innocent people. It's impossible. The only thing that I can do is remember that awful day that took place one year ago today.

  2. jariley* jariley*
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2013 11:08am UTC
    It seems like yesterday, Heaven gained 26 angels.


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