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you know what? i don't care.
i don't  care if you   have the biggest muscles around. i'd honestly rather you
not   have   huge ones.  if  you are   afraid of bugs, i'll scream with you when
we  kill them.  you don't  have     to show   me   your  killer basketball   skills.
i won't show  you  up  either way :]  you don't have to like all my friends. you
just  have  to put up with  them.   for me . you  don't have  to kiss  me all the
time.   just when  you  kiss  me ,  kiss me like you mean it.  you don't have to
tell me you love me, just show me

that you mean it.

alll minee :] credit please :]
fave if you like :]
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you know what? i don't care. i don't care if you have the biggest

92 faves · Jul 19, 2009 9:59pm






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