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You wont be his first, his last, or the only hes loved before, he will love again but if he loves you now what else matters? Hes not perfect, and neither are you and the two of you will never be perfect but if he makes you laugh at least once and causes you to think twice and admits to being human and making mistakes hold onto him and give him all you've got hes not going to quote poetry he is not going to be thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you can break. Dont hurt him, Dont change him, and dont expect too much from him, smile when he makes you happy, [[Cry]] when he makes you sad and {miss him} when hes not there...

sorry i didnt feel like doing a whole lot to this but you can take this and make it prettier ahah

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You wont be his first, his last, or the only hes loved before,

0 faves · Jul 9, 2009 1:23am




