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One Direction Update
Hey everyone! Sorry for missing the update yesterday especially since the boys were active! Me and Katie have both been really busy the past couple of days and haven't been able to get on as much as we'd like to!

Anyway, yesterday the boys were at the Summertime Ball and also had their second show in Cardiff, Wales! Today Niall was out golfing. Harry was seen out and about in London. Liam posted a couple of things online and Louis wasn't really seen at all. 

The boys don't have their next show Wednesday in Austria.

Rumors: None

Links: Boys interview with Captial FM yesterday: 
The boys on stage in Cardiff yesterday: https://twitter.com/CaliTracking1D/status/607673572060848128
New 4/4 selfie: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CG0B3zUWgAAqji0.jpg
Niall's video of himself golfing today: https://t.co/v3kjVb3ryj
Liam posted this selfie today: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CG75wLfU8AEmyJ1.jpg
Harry out in London today: https://twitter.com/1DInfectionMNL/status/607698884320575489
Niall and some guys in a pub: https://twitter.com/1DInfectionMNL/status/607709557066899456
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One Direction Update 6/7/15 Hey everyone! Sorry for missing the

6 faves · 2 comments · Jun 8, 2015 12:35am





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · quote

dreamer4eva333 · 8 years ago
Hey, Jenny! You're friend has come back from her disappearance and would like to apologize for being away for so long. :( I'm back now, and although I'm still pretty busy, I'm done with my pageant! I won 2nd place for talent (which means I'm invited to go to LA!) and The Spirit Award which means the staff thought I was the most friendly and kind to all of the girls. I'm very proud of both, and I want to thank you again for all of your support. It meant so much to me. :)

Yeah, that's a good point. I don't think he'll say anything either, and that's okay. This anniversary will be amazing no matter what happens...well, as long as another member doesn't leave (see how I make jokes?). Yeah, I think it's possible to love others without loving yourself, but it can create a lot of problems and stop you from loving fully and enjoying it. Yeah, there are some I would just loooove to know the meaning of, like the mermaid or the rose. His tattoos are just a part of who he is now, and that's one reason I love all of them. Yeah, they have slowed down quite a bit! Maybe they feel like they've got all they need at the moment.

You're right, it is her loss. You got the boys and so many memories with them, and she missed out. Yes, I feel the same way! It's just so nice to think about how unbelievably happy your friend is at the moment and all the memories she's making. And hearing about it all later is so incredible, too. Wow, you love me more than Chipotle?! That is true friendship right there. I love you more than Chipotle too, and I know someday we'll share some of their burritos together again!

Yeah, we really are. If you told a younger version of myself that we'd be driving all around to see my favorite band and still go on our family vacations, I would have thought it was too good to be true! Our parents really know how much they mean to us. :) Definitely! You know what this means...time for some more rain dances!!!


That's a good way to put it. There were a lot of things that affected us, but our rough patches usually only involved on of the boys. Zayn leaving affected every single one of us, even those who didn't care about 1D as much as they used to. Even my sister is bitter about it! It was a test and we did the right thing. We came together as a family. Exactly. It's like we can't live with them and we can't live without them. Yeah, whenever you want to start it, I think people would like it. Haha, yes, that makes sense. Harry wouldn't be special if he wasn't special. :)

Yeah, I bet it's hard to keep your hands off that glorious mane of his. Isn't that sweet? His name was Eli, right? I could totally see Louis buying a chimp one day out of the blue. Thank you for those pictures! I like when Harry's serious, but it's so nice to see the not serious side of him, too. :) Here's Harry's response to you complimenting his hair: http://38.media.tumblr.com/13822bf2d2e5b686ec43fe5e34ab6aaf/tumblr_inline_nppgggY5oR1rlbval_500.gif
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beary0630 · 8 years ago
Yay! I'm so glad you're back Katie! And super happy to hear that you did so well at the pageant!! I knew that you'd do well! What was your talent? And the Spirit Award sounds like a special award to win and it's perfect for you! You're always so kind so it's no wonder you won! Also, how are you liking the new job?

Yeah I don't think another member will leave. I think this anniversary will be just fine. I think at this point if another person leaves it's going to be the rest of them. It'd be really stupid for them to peel of one by one. And especially after what's happened and so many fans were hurt by it, I think if they wanted to call it quits they'd try their best to not just spring it on us. I think they'd be more honest than Zayn was as well. Yeah that's true. I think you're right. I think that not loving yourself doesn't necessarily prevent you from loving others but I think it does prevent you from easily accepting love from other people. If you don't feel worthy of it, it's hard to accept it. Yeah I'd love to know the meaning of a lot of them too. I think Harry should totally just do a Q&A on them if he would be willing to! And in an interview I posted in my update recently, they asked him if he was going to Shamrock for more tattoos any time soon and he said that we was holding off for awhile. So I guess at least he is taking a break from getting more.

Yeah that's why I don't let myself feel bad about it anymore. I feel like I've gained more than I lost with her. And those wonderful memories are so awesome because it's a common experience. When you go to a concert you enjoy it and have a wonderful time. I always think "I know that I'm loving it this much, she's going to love this too when she gets there!" And I'm glad that we love each other more than Chipotle. But I do hope we can eat it together one day again too! I'm definitely sold on the chicken now!

Yeah I think if I talked to a younger version of myself and told her that I was still going to be into 1D at age 20 I'd be surprised. Because I've like plenty of bands and singers before but never for this long. I'm so happy I've been able to be a part of so much of it and a lot of that is thanks to my parents for taking me to the shows and putting up with it in general. I'm on it! I'll go and rain dance outside when I do my nightly stargazing!

It really was a huge impact! And if your sister even felt something about it, that means it was a pretty big deal. A lot of non-fans or distant fans got upset too. I even saw a video some girl posted of her dad. She walks in the room and says, "Dad, Zayn left the band." And the dad went on for a couple minutes. "He did? Oh my gosh why? Please tell me that's not true!" Really?" It was funny but true to how we were all feeling. Yeah maybe I'll announce it tonight. I'm just a little reluctant to start it because I've been a bit busy and skipping a couple nights here and there. I want to start when I'm on more consistently. Haha I'm glad Harry is special so he can be special :)

Yeah I think it was Eli! I could see Louis getting one too. I wonder what he'd name it! And let's be honest. We like Harry's face no matter what look he has on it. Aw that's a cute one! He deserve the compliment! His hair looks so nice and lush there! Here's Niall on stage the other night: http://iiniall.tumblr.com/post/121162355457/june-6-cardiff
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