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One Direction Update

4/14/15 10:00 PM EDT
Hey guys! Not too much to update on today. Liam and Louis were writing for the album again and were with Jamie Scott! Niall arrived back in London today. And Harry is still in LA. He was seen at Roger Dunn Golf Shop.

Rumors: None

Links: Harry with a fan's uncle today: 
Louis, Liam and Jamie: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CClwBUJW0AAjunv.jpg:large
Niall today: https://twitter.com/1DFAMlLY/status/587938497257938944

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One Direction Update 4/14/15 10:00 PM EDT Hey guys! Not too much

4 faves · 5 comments · Apr 14, 2015 10:00pm





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · quote

dreamer4eva333 · 9 years ago
It's nice to never know what's coming, huh? I think they're definitely going to add some more songs though, especially after they tweeted asking which songs everyone would like to hear. Thank you, thank you very much. I was quite proud of that. ;) Yeah, I meet a lot of girls like that, too. I think the main thing is that we thought we could just choose one without really getting to know them all and then it just happens, you know? It's nice to feel like there's not one that need extra love anymore, huh? They all need our love and we will always give it, but there's not one member who gets teased or picked on more than the others. Haha, yeah, I certainly wouldn't mind that. :) Yes, Zayn is always welcome with us. But his bro NB is not. He's a meanie. Wow, you never told me that! That's so cool! I'm never outside at night that often. Maybe I should try to do it more. :) Do you see a lot of stars where you live? Well, I want a ".x", a small anchor, and the "all the love" one. I probably would get them all on my wrist or hand. That's my favorite place to see them on me. :) That's a beautiful quote. You never know how you'll feel later. Someday you may feel ready to get a tattoo. There's no need to feel rushed. I have to ask you, do you think Niall will ever get a tattoo? Yeah, I think that's what I saw. I may be wrong. I hope you find it! :) I know, I looove seeing them like this! It's just so nice to hear more about the behind the scenes stuff again, you know? It's still so weird that Zayn's gone. I've accepted it, but there are still moments where it hits home again. It's okay, but it's still sort of sad to think about. I know, there are so many talented fans out there! We're so lucky that we get to see and appreciate their art! Thank you for that picture! Niall had a pretty great week, huh? :) Here's something to celebrate his 5 year anniversary of his audition! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCmz4i6VIAAEQNQ.jpg

I will! I should be able to send them by the end of the week!
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beary0630 · 9 years ago
Yeah! I saw that tweet today and that really gets me excited to know that they're adding songs! Haha! You're welcome! And you should be proud of it! And yeah I think that's what happens too. I think it's like a spur of the moment thing and then you pick one before you really know who your favorite is. And yeah I'm super glad that we don't need to show Niall extra love anymore. Not that I don't think he deserves a lot of love! I'm just glad he's loved as much as the others! And of course Zayn is always welcome with us. NB doesn't have to be a part of that. And ever since that whole song was released I haven't even heard about anything with Zayn being with him, have you? It just goes to show how much he doesn't really matter after all! And yeah you should definitely try going outside some night when the weather is clear. It's really beautiful! I see a decent amount of stars but I wish I could see more but I live in a decently populated area. Right now I can currently see Jupiter and Venus actually! I have an app on my phone to track where everything is! And those sound like really nice tattoo ideas! I think they'd look lovely on your hand. I've always kind of wanted a cross kind of like Demi Lovato. She has one on her hand. And I don't know about Niall. I feel like if he does get a tattoo he'll randomly do it when he's a really old man or something. By then he won't care! And yeah I love any time they share what they're doing behind the scenes. It makes me feel like they really want to include us you know? I know what you mean. I'm getting used to Zayn not being here but sometimes when I see pictures of them back from X Factor I feel it and wonder where it all went wrong for him. It's just so weird to think about. And fan art really is one of my favorite things. I like it for every fandom I'm a part of! Niall did have a great week! I'm just so proud of him! And thanks for that link! I can't believe it's been 5 whole years! I didn't even know he existed back then!! Here's another thing to celebrate Niall's audition: http://ashtoniwir.tumblr.com/post/116494403061/littleblackdress93-5yearssinceniallsaudition

Awesome! I am looking forward to it!!
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dreamer4eva333 · 9 years ago
I'm sooo excited to hear what they're going to play! Do you think they'll only add a few new songs, or add a bunch and change it completely? Yeah, that sometimes even happens in real life. You tell yourself how much you're going to like or dislike certain people, and then things change. I'm glad about that, too. It's great that they're all well-loved and taken care of. :) Yeah, I haven't heard anything about Zayn for quite a while now. I heard NB's been mean to some more people, which is NOT cool. Maybe Zayn's distancing himself from him after seeing how rude he can be. Wow! That is so cool! I just don't know a good place to be outside at night. My backyard's a little scary at night, haha! Do you have a special place you like to go or do you just hang at home and do it? Yeah, that's a nice tattoo. Harry has a cross like that, too. :) Yeah, I can see it either way with Niall. I could see him getting drunk and getting something small and light-hearted or never getting one. I think someday he'll probably get the "x" thing all the boys have. :) Yeah, I know what you mean. It feels like it's been such a long time since we've had such a connection like that with them. I hope we get some more, like video diaries, twitcams, or something like that. I know, it's a weird stage to be it. It's like everything's fine, but then you're sometimes reminded of what you lost and it stings. Fan art is just that...it's ART! Thank you, talented artists! I know, it's crazy to think of what we must have been doing when they were taking their first step towards all of this! :') Thank you for that link! I'm very proud of our "special snowflake". ;) Here he is again! This is either going to make you smile, cry, or all of the above: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCrv21MWAAAq5bn.jpg

Great! :)
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beary0630 · 9 years ago
Thank you for the fetus Niall! It definitely gave me a mixture of emotions!! Here's a funny picture someone made from today: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCv6hf8VAAAFCrK.jpg
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beary0630 · 9 years ago
Me too! I think they are going to change quite a bit considering how much of Four wasn't on the set list. But of course I think they're going to keep those key songs like WMYB and Little Things. I guess we have to wait until they go to Europe! Yeah it's so weird how that works. I've met people I thought I wouldn't like and did or the other way around. I guess that don't judge a book by its cover is pretty true huh? Oh I didn't know NB was still being a jerk? What did he do now? He really needs to move on because all of us are trying to. I hope you're right about Zayn. He really doesn't need to be involved with someone like that. Yeah it's really fun! I like to just go in my yard because it's pretty open. But if I get the time I'd like to walk to the park that's near my house. It has a big open field that might be better. There's no houses to block my view there! And thats probably true. I could see Niall doing that haha. And I totally forgot about that matching tattoo they all have! I'd really like to see Niall get that one! Yeah maybe once they start touring again, they'll do twitcams or something. Those made my day! I just hope I'm not working when they happen! Yeah this stage is kind of weird. I finally started listening to them again. It feels good but a little sad. And I think about that all the time! I always wonder what was I doing when they were being told that they were going to be in a group? Or when they were auditioning. What was I doing then? I'm super proud of him too!

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