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One Direction Update
1/24/15 11:45 PM EST
Hey guys! Not much to update on today. The boys weren't really seen. Everyone is in the same locations they have been. Based on Liam's tweets I think he and Louis have been writing together and working on different stuff for the future!

No rumors or links today. 

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One Direction Update 1/24/15 11:45 PM EST Hey guys! Not much

3 faves · 3 comments · Jan 24, 2015 11:47pm





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · quote

dreamer4eva333 · 9 years ago
Again, I'm so sorry to hear about the store closing, pal. When will you be done working for them?

Yeah, you could always give it a second chance someday! It'll always be out there for you.

Oh, that answers my question then! March, huh? Well, I hope you either get moved to another store or find another job you really like.

Yeah, it think it could only be good. I mean, things are working great right now, but doing some extra little things, like video diaries or something, would help bring everyone together. I think that sometimes management forgets to listen to the fans because they know we'll buy the albums and go to concerts no matter what they do promotion-wise and stuff. That's a shame, you know? Exactly. A lot of people have big dreams with a set path of how to get there. It's hard to feel like you don't really know where you're going...you just know where you want to end up. But you'll do anything to get there. Thank you, pal. Just out of curiosity, what makes you think my family is ambitious? Yes, it's January and I want it to be June...uuuggghhh. I need to start thinking of ways to make right now fun, not just making summer fun. I'm glad it feels more sweet than bitter for you. :) Yes, that Pepsi commercial was so great! I miss seeing them on TV drinking soda...Thank you for that link, pal! You've got me missing the tour! Here's Zayn and Harry saying hello :) http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md3aoyqwT01qmxhwpo1_r1_500.gif

Yeah, I get why you're hesitant. There's really never a time where you won't be hesitant to tell someone you really like something like that. It's scary, and it will never not be scary. That's not a bad thing, pal. It's good, it shows you care. That sounds like a really great day, Jenny! You two sound very close. :) I think that was a good next step- you got to talk alone for a while and just hang out. You want more of that? Well just ask for it. If you don't feel comfortable telling him how you feel right now, at least try to hang out with him outside of the Shack. It's so great that you text and talk at work, but if you don't go further than that before the Shack closes, you may not see each other that much at all. For the sake of your friendship and possibility of a relationship, go for fro yo. Heck, go with some other people if you're uncomfortable with being alone. Just try it, pal. I can promise it'll be worth it.

Ooh..handmade. That's really the way to do it, huh? :) The person who called me last was my teacher, haha! Not very interesting stuff! Q: Gosh, this is tough, too! On twitter a lot of girls ask me if I'm Harry, as my "tweeting style" can sometimes be similar to his, haha!

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beary0630 · 9 years ago
Hey by the way, I just read what I wrote you. I make a LOT of typos! Sorry about that!
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beary0630 · 9 years ago
Yeah me too. But I actually had a super nice customer the other day who said, "Hey when one door closes another opens. There's probably a good reason for it!"

Very true!!

Yeah! Like you asked up there, my boss is estimating March. It could be longer could be shorter. And I really do hope to get transferred when that happens. And there's a woman at my church who knows someone that works at Best Buy which is similar to what I'm doing now. So maybe I could get in there!

Oh definitely. I love all of the things they do now but I think having a fan's input would add a more special touch. Video diaries would be the perfect thing. Or they could make a list of possible ideas and have the fandom as a whole vote on the website. But I agree, management quite honestly has gotten a wee bit lazy. They know we'll buy the important stuff so they tend not to worry. Hopefully they get their act together. For our sakes and the boys! And yeah that's the scariest part about it. Having a set plan with a set path to get there can even be difficult. So being unsure about that way you'll get there is even worse. And why do I think you guys are ambitious? Because even though I only spent a day with you all, you guys just seemed to get everything done. You guys didn't waste any time and we all really made the most out of the trip! Ah yes, please summer. I need to make right now fun too. We're getting a huge blizzard tomorrow and Tuesday, is that fun? I'm planning to redo my room this week and I'm trying to get my sister to go snow tubing with me! I'm trying! I miss it too! I remember that commercial would come on all the time while I watched US XF. "Those were the days man..." And hey, we miss that tour but we still have OTRA to look forward to! It's starts in only 13 days! And hello Zarry! It's nice to see them! If only that was real! Here's something from about a month or so ago: http://paynut.tumblr.com/post/105208475337

That's so true. I don't think falling in and out of love can be an easy process. I just always feel the need to protect my heart. And yes yesterday was a fantastic day! It's the closest thing that I can get to a date for now haha. But I actually have yet another story from today. But this one I know you'll like. So I was off today, but Ben and my wing woman were both working together for an hour or so. And around 3 she texted me and was all like we need to talk. She says, "Ben was talking about you openly the whole time I was there with him. He told me he wants to get with you and he plans to ask you out soon. He talks about you super nicely. Yay!" So at first I thought she was teasing me. And I said that. And she's like ask Scott (our assistant manager who was there as well.) So right at that time Scott texted me and said that everything she was saying was true! So at this point I was just shocked because Ben is totally not the type to blab on about his feelings. So now I have literally no worries! He's the boy so I'll let him take his time now that I know he's going to say something! I mean I feel a little awkward now because I know and I'm going to see him tomorrow. Plus it might be a little bit before he says something just because we are still co workers. I don't want to anything to happen in front of my boss because that would just be awkward! But Katie I'm so nervous/excited! Now I'm just waiting a bit! But I'm in now way worried now. Good things come to those who wait! :D

Oh yeah they are boss at the milkshakes. Unfortunately they are located almost 2 hours away! And that's kind of funny. But hey I hope you're doing well in school! And I don't doubt that you get asked that a lot. You do tweet similarly to Harry! Lately, the question I've been getting asked a lot is "Do you like Ben?" Or "Are you guys together yet?" Haha it's getting a little annoying but it's cute. R: Well, I guess the thing we talked about up there!
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