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Ik it's lengthy but hey 
People always get in my way, I try to brush it off like it's a game, but it isn't the same, I love you and that will never change, sometimes I just feel like i'm the one causing all the pain, it's like I'm the one bringing all the rain, and I hate to see you frown, my heart aches cuz I feel like i'm letting you down, your life's hard enough with out me around how bout we just end this now? See that's what my mind tellin me, but my hard says stick with it love hurts that's the fee, I'm just so sick of feeling like I owe you an apolige, but honestly youre the best, I don't wanna rest, well I can see through your stress, you just want a guy who will love you even though you're a mess, well I can't lie I may not be that exact guy, but i'll work all the time, to make sure you'll always be mine, and at the same time I write this line we have people tryna break our bind, all I can say is hold on, before you know it it'll be dawn, and you'll realize it's just been a nightmare, but don't be scared I'll always be there, babe you should know I care, I've been waiting too long to give up on us, all I need is your trust, I can see it in your eyes I'm that guy, the one you wanna be with, if i'm wrong then let me try, before I say bye, just know it's me and you finally, if you stay with me I'll make you the punk rock queen, that you've always dreamed
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Ik it's lengthy but hey People always get in my way, I try

4 faves · Sep 15, 2014 1:48pm





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